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Session 89: Juggernaut's Imprisonment: Scallywags

General Summary

The arrangements of the Smuggler's Banner are finalized, and they may be somethign procured from another ship at dock, long term, and added to the Call as a thank you for its engagment with the demonkin, the Molydeus who attacked Feon, lead by some chaos catalysts to the shores. 

Late the night, the same during the imprisonment, and Roland is finalizing the iron and wood neede for the crates to house the very volatile Dragonglass they have procured fromthe Devil's Gambit, Lady Le Stanun and Lady Messi. However, during this treks, with Gyc, Pojin, Chogim, and 76 assisting, Roland finds that the group is being followed, that others are noticing the gathering and departure of the Horizon's Call and its Crimson Fleet. They make their way back to the Call for rest, for they have arranged a meeting tomorrow morning to solidify the last pieces for these crates: locks. 

It is during this same evening, that Mila sees the arrival of the Kobold Juggernaut, and modified orc scion vessel, iron plated with a massive modern arsenal of guns, cannons, and many other contraptions of doom. The spectacle came in at night to draw less attention, obviously, and to be in more control of the discussion and commerce needed to ensure their safe and quiet arrival, time needed to repair and recuperate after an encounter at sea. Eventually Mila makes her way closer to investigate the strange vessel. She compliments on its grandeur, and she notices the kobolds like about the encounter, or at least do not tell the full tail: they were attacked by dragons, but it is more than that, for some of the draconic sailors have sword and arrow wounds, and yes, their vessel was attack with acid, but there is evidence of lightning and fire too--even a small group of their powder crew coughs with a strange sickness--getting over a poison? She walks away, knowing she will share these developments, or not, eventually. She returns to the call, having to get up early for one more beach run before the crew leaves the safety of Feon. 

In the prison, late at night, Horizon is able to sneak a harmonica for Aikhon, and enjoy his music and liveliness. Auna is able to sneak outside the Captain's window, too, and let him know a signal awaits at Lady Sasha's command. Chatulkik also hear his execution will happen early in the morning, but they also have other neighbors in the prison. Indeed, a known goliath bard, Pemi, adds to Aikhon's music, and another unknown woman's voice echoes with her own notes as well. 

Eventually, there is rest, but only after Aikhon hears Ollie and Deoy nearby. Dosgratin, and his brother, too. Indeed, his brother is being met in the night, by some night, wishing for his end, knowing a brother has been killed. But this does not narrow down any prospects for Vareth's depravity. He has murdered more than even he can count or know; the Brackich Fleet was a thorough organization of chaos and death. Yet, they are all awoken early. 
Nails are hammered in, and Brimstone can see outside they prepare a guillotine to end Chatulkik's life as soon as possible--whomever he murdered was obviously someone important, connected, or rich. Brimstone heckles the small centaur piecing the exexcutioner's instrument together, and this distraction does give them some time. 
Two nobles arrive, a warrior lady, a skaldyr, with five guards in tow, and a woman of the isle, with her two guards, dressed in white with a red sash. They bang upon the door, and soon four women are arguing about the death of Chatulkik, the strange insectoid shade, the punishment of a grung who took the wrong woman's toe, the robbery of another woman's master's mansion, and the fourth just trying to make sense of it all. 
This soon awakes Lady Sasha, who arrive a few hours ago, and she fell asleep waiting for the prison to open again, to be ready for the signal, and she needs to get enough of the bounty for whom she brought in to make all of this charade worth it. 
They begin to gather Chatulkik amongst the commotion, even without the captain of the prison's arrival. And they dragon the thrikreen outside, the Skaldyr warrior woman ready to take its life, for it killed her younger brother. She speaks to the gods, readying them for Chatulkik's soul. Yet, Brimstone will not see this happen, and he summons the thunder of the sea to transport him through the wall, breaking in the process, to stop the sure cut to Chatulkik's neck with his forearm. Lady Sasha also soon jumps into engage, after she gets the gold from the office warden. 

Meanwhile, Roland has brought the crates almost to the Call, having woken up early to ensure a smooth transition to the next day. However, on the road back, he is met by Lady Messi on the road, with a large group of hired mercenaries in heavy armor. She has questions she says, and once she approaches, Lady Messi informs she is worried about the arrest of the Captain Brimstone, and how that will thwart the transport of the Dragonglass up north, to the Regent Isles. Roland says there is nothing to worry about, but Lady Messi and her mercenaries seem unconvinced. She wants ten of her men to join the crew, to ensure the Dragonglass arrives safely. Roland agrees as long as some help bring the crates back, for Chogim, Gyc, and 76, go to check in on the rest of the crew, to get everyone back to the Call--more than the self-imprisonment seems to be happening. Mila sees this entourage come to the docks from the beachhead she runs upon, and she begins to follow behind them, warily. 

The fight in the prison continues, and Chatulik tries to break away, with Lady Sasha covering his retreat, but a veteran guard and the centaur grab him and drag him back inside.
Deoy squeezes through is bars. Aikhon fakes a sickness, and he helps Vareth see how he can knock the wall down of his own cell to also escape.
Ilknar rages and crashes through the door of his own cell, even after spending his evening with the guard Billy, one he has known most of his life. Billy asks him to cease, but Ilknar needs this escape to work, so he threatens and stomps, and intimidates and roars as any good giant would. Many run, many flee, but the enclosed space and lack of true knowledge of Ilknar's wrath, one tries to grab him, but it is soon thrown through two doors, crashing to where the main gates be. 
Other prisoners, Kronk an orc, breaks free, assisting a cleric of some sort in her own escape and procurement of her magical staff. 
Lady Sasha summons some cats, but only after meeting ago with Captain Skuttled Kadage, of the Merchant's Expression, who also sees to find means to get his surgeon free, having performed odd experiments, looking for demon scat. However with the chaos, Lady Sasha goes outside to assist the Captain, and to help distract and overwhelm the Skaldyr looking for revenge, a host of thirteen cats arrive, and with that, soon the Skaldyr leave, for they were also warned of the arrival of a Scion Juggernaut. The fear of new war and combat hasten their retreat. 

Back on the Call, Roland and Mila meet aboard, and with the new crew, not all really welcome, they unload the last crates of iron, wood, and magical locks to encapsulate the dragonglass are their perilous voyage. Yet, Lady Messi pulls Roland aside, and warns of the steps coming, of how two of her party come from an organization she does not know, one who paid for this trade and travel, who owned the dragonglass. With this, Roland wants to see Mila's spellbook, and having recently gained a knowledge of gnomish language and culture, he sees she does not have the spells he needs. He makes an announcement, that if the captain and the rest of the crew return before noon the next day, he will take the three mercenaries who helped him carry the crates, the other seven will leave. This causes a stir nonetheless. 

Outside the prison, with seven quick pommel strikes and electricity to knock him out further, Lady Sasha takes out the last skaldyr still enraged enough to attack. 
Brimstones crashes through the front door, winds howling around him like the storm, following Deoy, Aikhon, Vareth, and the others as they scare the guards, and get their stuff. 
Ilknar gives one of his elite stogies for Billy to smoke later before he leaves. Pemi follows him as he would follow a king. 
Aikhon searches quickly for valuables, contraband, and even some rum. 
Captain Skuttle agrees to follow the Call outside of the docks. Maybe they will even also join in the killing of the king. 
Kronk joins the kidknappers. 

This hodge-podge crew run through the streets with a mixture of relief, pride, and fear. The city reflects that back to them, for like it or not, this may be all that Feon has left after they are gone.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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