Kakhren Oasies

Kakhren Oasies is a hidden settlement located in the middle of the unforgiving Senda Badlands that was founded in 776AC. This section on the Cymeki desert is incredibly dry and and hot, its red sands stretch as far as the eyes can see and is broken up by jagged rocky formations, jutting from the earth like broken teeth. The main landmark within the badlands is the Kahkren Ranges, 3 large individual mountains, one of which containing the lost town of Kakhren Oasies.

The town itself consists of 3 clear layers or sectors with only one set of stairs leading to each. The design was with mostly Garuda in mind as the location has been a sort of retirement village for those unable to keep up with their tribes, though as time passed it became a refuge for all. The walls of each layer are scarred with hundreds of caves, some natural others carved where mostly Garuda villagers live. Ground accessible caves have structures and buildings built as a sort of extension and as such there are few free standing structures

The bottom sector consists of the lake itself and where all of the town's vodyonoi population exists as well as where most of the humans and other races who are unable or unwilling to fly reside. It is known by locals as Lakeside and features a diverse range of cultures, foods and goods and is the towns most farmed sector. It is also a supply of fresh fish and crustaceans for the rest of the town and for the trade caravans who travel beyond.

The second layer, or Cliffside is a mostly Garuda residential area but has a few taverns, shops and farming areas scattered throughout. Those few residents who can't fly usually live next to the stairs as. This sector has the most caves - most of which are connected but have been blocked off to form individual homes. Due to the increased light, this sector tends to produce the most fruit though since the arrival of thaumaturgists this has been less of an issue for Lakeside.

The uppermost layer is known as Emebb's Landing, it is where the wealtiest citizens reside (though in kakhren there is little disparity between classes) and is where Emebb's Temple is located - The Temple of Water. There is also many taverns, shops and covered market places and is surprisingly diverse in population. The prestige and beautiful lake and mountain views are what makes this Emebb's Landing so alluring, even to those unable to fly and freely access all the town has to offer. In addition to it's views, this sector also is relatively self sustaining for residents - everything one could need is available.


Mostly Garudan but small populations of most other races


Kakhren Oasies is run by Chief Kha'Tuk The Wise and his beautiful but fierce wife High Priestess Ren. The two, along with their clergy run a peaceful and fair town and show love and kindness to all citizens. There is very little poverty in the Oasies and what does exist is usually addressed quickly and those effected offered assistance. Chief is merely a figurehead in place to guide the town in religious teachings, justice and economics. Kha'Tuk is incredibly humble and well respected amongst all townsfolk, though any who cause harm or malice are banished forever

Industry & Trade

The Oasies has many natural resources that it exports via trade caravan across the Empire. Wishing to maintain it's locations secrecy they trade only via caravans that the town sends out. Any importing is done through these same caravans and unless in dire need of a resource, is rarely done. The village prefers seclusion and self sufficiency however they are major producers of:

  • Hemp
  • Bamboo
  • Mangoes
  • Bananas
  • Fish
  • Crustaceans
  • Silver
  • Bottled Water
  • Root Vegetables
  • Textiles and Clothing
  • Art

Guilds and Factions

  • Followers of Emebb
  • Merchants Guild
  • Farmers & Farmers Association
  • Labourers Union
  • Thurmaturgical Society


Buildings are rarely free standing, instead set into the cliffs themselves. Each residential layer is built with a different colour palette which is quite beautiful when viewing from the rim. More than 65% of the town's structures are actually caves which are both naturally formed and hand carved. Though the elder's claim these caves were there from the day of the locations discovery, many believe they have been dug out over time by the increasing number of residents. Constructed buildings are made of stone and wood and are coloured with natural occurring minerals and dyes.


Set in the bowels of an extinct volcano, the Oasies is a unique pocket of life in the otherwise barren Senda Badlands. With seemingly endless supplies of fresh water and fertile soils, settlers are able to produce enough food to be self sustaining and have leftovers to trade. Many lush trees provide shelter, help cool the temperatures and create micro climates that bring rain. It is a hidden tropical cove, the green jewel of the desert.

Natural Resources

  • Fresh Water
  • Fertile Soils
  • Minerals and Salts
  • Wood
Alternative Name(s)
The Oasies, Mount Kakhren, Kakhren Maru
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under