

Cymek has been ruled by the Solanum Dynasty for 425 years, any records of previous dynasties and rulers were destroyed by Sheikh Screams-At-Crows in 1403. In 1753 Sheikh Hands-Like-Stone formed the Tribunal of Light to appease his vassals and to help with both legislative and judicial proceedings. Though Sheikh hold ultimate power, this token gesture appeased the minor lords. After his death in 1770 he was succeeded by his son Sheikh Stands-In-Sun who has continued to utilise the Tribunal, adding a foreign ambassador to the fold. His wife Shaykha Flowers-all-colours solanum has recently given him a male heir whom he has named Bentham - after New Crobuzon's esteemed leader.
The Tribunal of Light Current Members:

Sheikh Stands-In-Sun Solanum:
Solanum Dynasty 1353 - 1778AC (present)
Leader of Cymek (1770 - 1778AC)
Cactacae male

Vizier Long-Shanks Asterae:
House Asterae
Advisor to Solanum Dynasty 1770 - 1778AC (present)
Cactacae male

Jin'ra Strong-Branches Rutacea
House Rutacea
Cymeki Militia General 1764 - 1778 (present)
Cactacae Male

M'tyr Blooms-in-shade Solanum
Solanum dynasty 1353 - 1778AC (present)
master of coin (1770 - 1778)
cactacae Male

Family undisclosed
Spy master (1767 - 1778)
Cactacae female

Ambassador Ambyr Le'Roue
New Crobuzon representative 1776 - 1778
Human female

Seer Azreal
Family unknown
Royal sorceress (1676 - 1778)
Drow female

Sun Speaker Basks-In-Warmth Cymbidae
House Cymbidia
Religious advisor (1775 - 1778)
cactacae female


Cymek has a very strong and well trained military, perhaps the reason they are still sovereign and why their power hungry neighbours have left them be. The military is part vigilante - half state funded with the former being The Samheri fleet.

The Samheri is part mercantile, part police force, and more than a little piratical. The bulk of the fleet is made up of wooden vessels which are equal parts freighter and fighter. These ships sail far and wide, ferrying and distributing cargo, and earning piles of gold in the process. On their journeys, Samheri vessels have a policy of stopping any other ship they come across. If the ship belongs to a foreign power which has made a trade pact with Dreer Samher – such as New Crobuzon, or Tesh – the vessel is free to go, since its government has “prepaid” its safe passage. Other vessels have the choice of giving the Samheri a hefty bribe, or else have their entire cargo and vessel seized by force.

But the reputation of the Samheri sailors is not entirely bleak. Dreer Samher’s cactacae sailors are among the most gifted of storytellers. Known as fablers, these cactusfolk can make their voices hypnagogic, lulling their audiences into an almost dreamlike state. The Samheri is based solely in Shankell where the official Cymeki Militia (The Royal Cymeki Army or RCA) is spread across the entire empire with most soldiers stationed at other major cities and settlements, leaving the semi-corrupt pirate police force to do it's own thing

Industry & Trade

Economic System: Market economy

Currency: Bronze Stars, Silver Moons (50 Stars), Gold Suns (10 Moons)

Major Exports:
Tropical fruits
Diamonds & other precious stones
Medicines & herbal products

Major Imports:
Exotic Produce
Medicines & herbal products
Military Equipment

Guilds and Factions

  • Tribunal of Light
  • Trader & Merchant's Guild
  • Red Ring
  • Order of The Sun
  • Thieves Guild
  • Bounty Hunter's Association
  • Shankelli Scientific Community
  • The Circle
  • New Crobuzon Embassy
  • Worker's Union
  • The Samheri Fleet
Alternative Name(s)
The Cymeki Empire
National Territory
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization