Alice Sunero

Alice was a woman of unwavering strength and boundless love, a beacon of compassion and kindness in her city of Sunnyvale . Her days were spent tirelessly caring for her family, her neighbors, and anyone who crossed her path. She possessed a heart that overflowed with generosity, always eager to offer a helping hand to those in need. Her warm smile and genuine concern were like a soothing balm to those around her, a source of comfort and solace in times of trouble.   Alice's pride was as steadfast as her kindness, and she was quick to give but slow to ask for aid herself. Even when faced with her own challenges, she would stand strong and continue to give to others, never wanting to burden anyone with her own struggles. This selflessness was both a testament to her character and a reflection of her deep love for her family and community.   However, it was this very trait that ultimately led to her downfall. A mysterious disease struck Alice with a swiftness and severity that left everyone stunned. Despite her suffering, she refused to let anyone see her vulnerability, not wanting to worry her loved ones. She continued to care for her family, even as her strength waned and her health deteriorated.   Alice's passing left a void that could never be filled. Her absence was keenly felt by her family, especially her son Otto, who had always admired his mother's strength and goodness. As he grew into a young cleric of Pelor, Otto carried his mother's spirit of selflessness with him, using his healing powers to bring light to others' lives, just as she had.  


549 CY 588 CY 39 years old
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