Otto Sunero

Hand of Pelor, Otto Sunero

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Otto, cleric of Pelor, hails from the continent of Valtara, specifically the region called the Epochian Span. Growing up in this land known for its diverse cultures and rich religious traditions, Otto was raised in a devout family devoted to the worship of Pelor, the Sun God.   During his formative years, Otto met and fell in love with a captivating young woman named Carrie. She portrayed herself as a fellow cleric of Pelor, sharing Otto's passion for the faith. However, their idyllic relationship took a surprising turn when, over breakfast one morning, Otto discovered Carrie's true allegiance. She was, in fact, a cleric of Wee Jas, the goddess of death and magic.   Shocked and heartbroken by this revelation, Otto confronted Carrie about her deceit. The once-beautiful bond they shared shattered, leaving Otto to grapple with feelings of betrayal and confusion. Despite the pain he endured, this experience taught him valuable lessons about trust and discernment.   Driven by a desire to strengthen his faith and seek justice, Otto made the decision to join the 7th Seal, an esteemed adventuring guild based in the city of Epoch. The guild's reputation for upholding justice and combating evil resonated with Otto's newfound sense of purpose. Eager to prove himself and further develop his clerical abilities, Otto eagerly sets off on this new chapter of his life, determined to bring light and healing to a world that can sometimes be filled with shadows.  

Studies in Fiendish Possession

  Current Knowledge (religon) check 22   Fiends can possess creatures and force them to do their will. The motivations of these possessing fiends is as varied as the demons themselves. Evil creatures are more susceptible to possession, but no one is really safe.   Fiends can also possess objects, although they usually do so to get to people. When a fiend possesses you, it can use you as a puppet, but sometimes it just lurks in your body, whispering dark ideas or waiting for the right moment to take control.   Fiends that have possessed you still have a body, but they keep it hidden away somewhere safe. The part of the fiend that possesses someone is a sort of apparition version of the demon. Some fiends can warp your body when they possess you, eventually twisting you into their own physical form and permanently taking over your body.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Otto possesses a striking physical presence, combining athleticism with an imposing stature. Standing at an impressive height, his well-built frame showcases the result of years of physical training and discipline. His broad shoulders and strong, muscular limbs exude an aura of strength and resilience. His athletic nature is evident in the way he carries himself, with a confident stride that reflects his agility and coordination. Otto's movements are marked by grace and precision, a testament to his disciplined training regimen. Whether engaged in combat or simply navigating his surroundings, his body exhibits a natural athleticism that commands attention.   With his rugged features and determined expression, Otto's appearance conveys a sense of determination and authority. His piercing eyes, set beneath a strong brow, hold a steely intensity that reveals his unwavering focus and commitment to his cause. A closely trimmed beard adds to his mature and commanding presence, accentuating his jawline and lending an air of wisdom beyond his years.   While Otto's physicality may initially appear intimidating, his imposing presence is tempered by a warm and approachable demeanor. Those who interact with him discover a compassionate soul beneath the imposing exterior, as he channels his physical strength to protect and aid those in need.

Facial Features

During the fateful confrontation when Otto discovered Carrie's true allegiance as a cleric of Wee Jas, emotions ran high and tensions flared. As they argued, the situation escalated into a physical struggle. In the heat of the moment, Carrie's desperation led her to lash out, catching Otto off guard with a swift strike that left a scar on his eyebrow. The injury serves as a visible reminder of the deep betrayal he experienced, a scar etched on his flesh that parallels the emotional wounds inflicted on his heart. While physical in nature, the scar symbolizes the pain and loss Otto endured when he and Carrie parted ways, forever altering the course of their relationship.

Mental characteristics


Otto's education in the Clerical Order of Pelor began in the quaint town of Sunnyvale, situated to the southeast of the bustling metropolis of Epoch. Within this peaceful community, there stood a modest yet dedicated congregation that venerated Pelor as the source of light, healing, and warmth.   Under the guidance of his mentor, Brother Vincent Otto embarked on a comprehensive spiritual and academic journey within the Church. Vincent, a seasoned cleric and devout servant of Pelor, recognized Otto's potential and took him under his wing. As Otto's mentor, Vincent imparted his deep knowledge of the teachings, rituals, and practices associated with the faith of Pelor.   From an early age, Otto learned the sacred scriptures of Pelor, studying the tenets and moral principles that guide the followers of the Sun God. Under Vincent's tutelage, he delved into the intricate nuances of Pelor's divine magic, honing his skills in channeling positive energy to heal the wounded and ward off the forces of darkness.   Otto's education extended beyond theory and academia, as he actively participated in the religious activities of Sunnyvale's Church. He assisted in daily prayer services, aided in the maintenance of the sacred temple, and engaged in charitable endeavors to alleviate the suffering of those in need.   During his training, Otto also developed a strong sense of community and camaraderie among his fellow clergy and worshipers. They shared their wisdom, experiences, and stories, fostering a supportive environment that deepened Otto's connection to Pelor and his faith.   As Otto grew in skill and knowledge, he caught the attention of the higher echelons of the Church. Vincent's own rise within the ranks elevated him to the esteemed position of the Second Son of Pelor in the Bastion, the central seat of Pelor's worship in the region. This achievement filled Otto with a sense of pride and inspired him to strive for greater heights in his own journey as a cleric of Pelor.   With Vincent's guidance and the blessings of the Church, Otto now looks toward his future as a member of the adventuring guild, the 7th Seal. As he departs from Sunnyvale and heads to the grand city of Epoch, he carries the lessons, teachings, and faith instilled within him during his education in the Church of Pelor.


As a cleric of Pelor, Otto's occupation revolves around serving as a conduit between the divine realm and the mortal world. His primary focus is on channeling Pelor's power and embodying the teachings and values of the Sun God in his actions and interactions.
Occupying the role of a spiritual guide and healer, Otto dedicates himself to providing aid, solace, and healing to those in need. He uses his divine connection to Pelor to perform miraculous acts of mending physical wounds, curing ailments, and offering comfort to the afflicted. Whether through prayers, blessings, or the laying on of hands, Otto channels Pelor's healing energy to bring about positive change and restoration.

Accomplishments & Achievements

As a Hand of Pelor, Otto exemplifies the virtues and responsibilities associated with the esteemed title. His unwavering faith and dedication to Pelor's teachings radiate through his actions and interactions, making him a shining beacon of light and compassion within the Clerical Order.

Mental Trauma

The revelation that Carrie, Otto's beautiful blonde lover, was actually a cleric of Wee Jas instead of Pelor, inflicted a deep emotional trauma upon him. The discovery shattered the trust he had placed in her and confronted him with the stark contrast between his devotion to Pelor and her allegiance to a different deity.
Initially, Otto was overwhelmed with feelings of betrayal and confusion. The realization that he had been deceived by someone he deeply cared for created a sense of loss and disillusionment. Despite this, Otto secretly harbors lingering feelings for Carrie, which only add to the complexity of his emotions.   Deep down, Otto longs for Carrie to abandon her worship of Wee Jas and convert to Pelor. He yearns for her to share his faith, believing that it would not only heal the wounds caused by her betrayal but also align their values and aspirations once more. The hope of a reconciliation centered around their shared devotion to Pelor fuels a hidden desire within Otto's heart.   However, Otto finds himself trapped between his unwavering dedication to Pelor and the knowledge that converting from one god to another is illegal within the Epochian Span. This prohibition intensifies the internal conflict within Otto, as he grapples with the desire to see Carrie embrace Pelor's teachings while respecting the laws and regulations that govern their society.   The trauma of learning the truth about Carrie's allegiance, coupled with his enduring feelings and longing for her conversion, leaves Otto in a complex emotional state. He must navigate the delicate balance between his devotion to Pelor, his personal desires, and the legal constraints of their society. It is a struggle that weighs heavily on his heart as he seeks a resolution that aligns with his faith and the laws of the land.

Intellectual Characteristics

Otto actively cultivates a humble demeanor, recognizing the importance of remaining grounded and self-aware despite his role as a cleric of Pelor. He strives to embody humility in various ways, allowing it to shape his thoughts, actions, and interactions with others.

Personality Characteristics


Otto's motivation lies deeply rooted in his unwavering devotion to Pelor and the desire to spread the faith of the Sun God. Filled with a passionate belief in the power of light, healing, and compassion, he carries within him an unyielding commitment to illuminate the lives of others with Pelor's divine teachings.

Virtues & Personality perks

Otto values truth as the foundation of personal integrity and meaningful connections. He strives to always speak the truth, embracing transparency and authenticity in his interactions with others. He believes that embracing the truth leads to a deeper understanding of oneself and fosters trust in relationships.
Honesty is a fundamental virtue for Otto. He upholds the value of being honest with himself and others, avoiding deceit or manipulation. Otto understands that honesty builds trust and creates an environment of open communication, allowing for genuine connections and the growth of stronger bonds.
Faith is a cornerstone of Otto's character, grounding him in his devotion to Pelor and guiding his actions. His unwavering faith serves as a source of strength, providing him with resilience in the face of challenges and inspiring him to persevere in spreading Pelor's message. Otto's faith also extends to a belief in the inherent goodness and potential within every individual, fostering a compassionate and non-judgmental approach to those he encounters.


Contacts & Relations

Carrie - ex Alice - Mother (dead) Egon - Father (estranged)

Religious Views

Otto's faith in Pelor is unyielding, burning brightly within him as a guiding light. It is a steadfast belief that anchors his actions and shapes his worldview. With unwavering devotion, he places his trust in Pelor's divine grace and draws strength from the teachings and principles of his faith. Otto's faith fuels his compassion, inspires his unwavering commitment to spreading Pelor's message, and gives him the resilience to face challenges with unwavering hope.


Otto embodies a stoic mannerism, presenting himself with a calm and composed demeanor even in the face of adversity. He embraces an inner strength and resilience, striving to maintain emotional equilibrium and control over his reactions. With a restrained and measured disposition, he carefully chooses his words and actions, showing a disciplined restraint and an ability to navigate challenging situations with composure. Otto's stoic mannerism reflects his commitment to inner tranquility and his belief in finding strength through self-discipline and detachment from external influences, allowing him to face the trials of his journey with a steadfast resolve.


Otto's speech carries an air of unwavering confidence, characterized by a clear and assertive tone. His words resonate with conviction, reflecting a deep-rooted belief in his cause and the teachings of Pelor. When he speaks, his voice projects a sense of certainty and authority, commanding attention and inspiring others to listen. Otto's confident speech is marked by well-chosen words and a steady cadence, conveying his unwavering faith and determination. He articulates his thoughts with precision, leaving no room for doubt, and his persuasive rhetoric motivates others to embrace Pelor's message and join him in his mission to spread the faith.


Egon Sunero


Towards Otto Sunero


Otto Sunero


Towards Egon Sunero


Wealth & Financial state

Otto sustains a modest living as a traveling cleric by offering his services and guidance to those in need along his journeys. With a humble demeanor and a compassionate heart, he relies on the goodwill of communities and individuals he encounters, accepting modest donations or provisions in exchange for his spiritual counsel, healing abilities, and the blessings of Pelor. Otto leads a simple lifestyle, finding solace in the support and generosity of the people he meets, all while staying true to his mission of spreading Pelor's faith and bringing comfort to those he encounters on his path.

18 year old clergyman. Very calm and always a straight shooter. Doesn't often joke around and will typically take the most efficient path. Finishes his tasks thoroughly with 100% completion.

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Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
573 CY 23 Years old
Current Residence
5' 11"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Last Bastion Homepage

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