
Altheria, once a quiet and unassuming maiden living in the heart of Mystwall, experienced a harrowing ordeal that forever changed her life. She was a wife to a diligent craftsman named Benric and a loving mother to their young son, named Ealdred, who was only five years old at the time.

  Their family's tranquil life was disrupted when Altheria fell victim to a sinister Cult of the Nameless One, who cursed her with a dreadful affliction. A malevolent snake began to grow within her stomach, a cruel manifestation of dark magic. Her once peaceful existence was shattered as her health deteriorated, and the cult's presence cast a shadow of fear over her family.
  Through a twist of fate, a courageous party of adventurers intervened, vanquishing the cult's dark agents and ultimately saving Altheria from her torment. With the snake removed, Altheria was returned to her family, and her gratitude toward her saviors was boundless. Her family, Benric, a skilled blacksmith, and young Ealdred, now continue to work as dedicated servants at Hawthorne Hall, where their loyalty and diligence are greatly appreciated.
  As a constant reminder of the perilous encounter and the hope they found in a group of valiant heroes, Altheria keeps a serpent-shaped coin close to her heart. The coin symbolizes her resilience and the indomitable spirit of her family, proving that even in the darkest times, a glimmer of light can emerge.


Human Expert 2
NN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1
AC 13, touch10, flat-footed 13
hp 14 (2 HD)
Fort +2 Ref +0 Will +4
Speed 30ft.
Melee mwk melee +1 (1d8+1) or
Ranged light crossbow+1 (1d8)
Base Atk +1, Grp +2
Combat Gear Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Abilities Str 13 Dex 10 Con 14 Int 15 Wis 12 Cha 8
Skills Appraise +7, concentration +6, craft (armorsmith) +7, craft (bowmaking +7, craft (weaponsmith) +7, craft (trapmaking) +7, knowledge (archetecture) +7, profession +10, sense motive +6
Feats Toughness, skill focus
Equipment mwk melee, light crossbow, , , , , plus 372g
Current Location
Year of Birth
568 CY 28 Years old
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