
Arzanezra is a paladin of Slaughter, dedicated to Demogorgon, the Prince of Demons. She hails from beyond the Barrier, in the desolate lands lost to the Pestilence, a wasteland ravaged by disease and death. Her life has been a relentless pursuit of bloodshed and chaos, driven by her dark faith. Arzanezra's imposing presence and martial prowess make her a fearsome opponent, and her loyalty to Demogorgon is unwavering.   Her allegiance lies with Nyx, a warlock priestess of Demogorgon, whose dark rituals and unholy powers have guided Arzanezra through countless battles. Together, they form a formidable force of malevolence, their bond strengthened by their shared devotion to the Prince of Demons. Alongside them is Shodan, an evil mage whose arcane knowledge and ruthless ambition complement their sinister mission.   The trio’s latest endeavor led them to the Yuan-ti temple, where a sacrament of unimaginable darkness was being performed by Sulvagren, a morbidly obese Yuan-ti abomination and the Chosen of the Nameless One. Accompanied by Maz, a cleric of Demogorgon, they sought to disrupt the sacrament and claim the temple's power for their own. However, they underestimated the strength and cunning of the Yuan-ti, and despite their efforts, they were overpowered and taken hostage.   Bound and awaiting their grim fate, hope seemed lost until a good-aligned party launched an assault on the stronghold. The ensuing battle was fierce, with the good party demonstrating exceptional skill and determination. They managed to defeat the Yuan-ti forces and rescue the captives, including Arzanezra and Shodan. Arzanezra, recognizing the ruthlessness and efficiency of her saviors, decided to accompany them, masking her true intentions with feigned cooperation. She planned to bide her time, waiting for the opportune moment to betray and eliminate them.   However, as the journey continued, Arzanezra witnessed acts of bravery, compassion, and mercy from the good party. They treated her with kindness and respect, despite knowing her dark past. The climactic battle against Sulvagren was a turning point; the good party's strength and unity in defeating the abomination contrasted sharply with the chaotic and destructive path she had known. The mercy they extended to her, despite her initial hostility, began to sow seeds of doubt in her mind.   Arzanezra found herself questioning her faith and the path she had chosen. The principles of Demogorgon—chaos, destruction, and slaughter—seemed hollow compared to the noble ideals of her newfound companions. The internal conflict grew, challenging her to reassess her beliefs and the true meaning of strength and honor. As the journey with the good-aligned party progressed, Arzanezra faced a profound choice: to continue down the dark path she had always known or to embrace a new path of redemption and purpose.
Development. Arzanera is a Paladin to Demogorgon. She has been sent here to investigate the Sacrimament. She is going to report back to Nyx when they are done. She will attempt to leave the party when they are through here. She will kill one if it makes sense.
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