Brenth Arcturus

Patriarch Brenth Alphonse Arcturus

Brenth Arcturus was born into the noble house of Arcturus as the firstborn son of his father, the previous head of the house. From a young age, Brenth was trained in the art of combat, as it was expected of him to one day take over the leadership of the house. He excelled in swordsmanship and quickly gained a reputation as a skilled warrior.   As he grew older, Brenth began to take on more responsibilities within the house, overseeing their armies and leading them into battle. He fought in several wars and battles, earning the respect of his fellow soldiers and cementing his reputation as a formidable warrior.   Despite his martial prowess, Brenth also had a keen mind for politics and diplomacy. He worked tirelessly to maintain good relations with the other noble houses and was known for his fairness and honesty in dealings.   When his father passed away, Brenth was officially named the head of House Arcturus. Under his leadership, the house continued to prosper, with Brenth overseeing the construction of new fortifications and expanding their territories.   Today, Brenth Arcturus is a respected figure among the nobility, known for his wisdom and strength. He is still a formidable warrior, but also a skilled statesman, always working for the betterment of his house and his people.  

Personality Characteristics


Brenth Arcturus, as the current head of House Arcturus, is motivated by a strong desire to restore the prestige and power that his family once held. He feels a deep sense of responsibility to uphold the legacy of his ancestors and to ensure that his family's name remains respected and influential in the realm. He is also driven by a sense of duty to protect his family and their interests, both politically and militarily. Brenth is a skilled warrior and strategist, and he sees it as his duty to use these skills to defend his family and to secure their position of influence. He is fiercely ambitious and will stop at nothing to achieve his goals, but he also values honor and loyalty and expects the same from those who serve him.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Combat: As a warrior, Brenth is skilled in various forms of combat such as sword fighting, archery, and hand-to-hand combat.   Leadership: As the current head of House Arcturus, Brenth has honed his leadership skills over the years, managing his family's affairs and leading them through difficult times.   Strategy: Brenth is skilled in strategy, using his knowledge of tactics and military maneuvers to gain advantages on the battlefield or in politics.   Diplomacy: While a fierce warrior, Brenth is skilled in diplomacy, knowing when to use force and when to negotiate in order to achieve his goals.   Horseback Riding: Being from a family with a long history of horse breeding and horsemanship, Brenth is skilled in horseback riding, whether for leisure or in battle.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
8th of Readying
Year of Birth
548 CY 48 Years old
Wavy Brown with Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Strength comes not from the sword, but from the will to wield it." - Brenth Arcturus
Aligned Organization
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