
  Arcurolis is a mining town near the Great Barrier. The magic that flows through the barrier has leeched into the stoney hills, and grasslands around the the city. The fields supply the Span with 40 percent of its produce. The stoney hills are full of ore and Arcanum which Arcurolis contracts out to other towns to mine.  

The Arcturus Mercenary Company

House Arcturus.png
House Arcturus, who's home is within the city, heads The Arcturus Mercenary Company. Roughly 50% of males between the ages of 15 and 40 are part of the Arcturus Mercenary Company. There are 1300 members of the company. Wages start at 15 gold per week, and 3 gold set aside for retirement, resurrection, or burial as needed. Should a member die in service to the company, continues to receive the wages for 10 years, or until their oldest son reaches the age of 15.


Like most cities in the Span, Arcurolis is a Mayor-council government. But, what makes it different from the other cities, is that House Arcturus is the head of the government and not just a guild house.

Industry & Trade

One of Arcurolis's main exports is produce. But, the contracts to mine its stoney hills bring in a healthy profit. But, the real gold is made from the fact that the contacts state that all Arcanum mined on it's lands is given over to the Mayor for distribution. Arcurolis doesn't produce it's own items, but the Arcanum it sends into the Span is invaluable in creating the items.

Guilds and Factions

The main guild in Arcuroils is House Arcturus, a mercinary house that serves as the first line of defense against the creatures that come through the Great Barrier from the Lost Lands. They station their mercenaires at other cities but primarily Mystwall  and Southmount.


The city was integral to the construction of the Great Barrier. After The Sundering of Crowns
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
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