Eira Tamm

The Frozen Eira Tamm

Eira Tamm, the young leader of Frostfall who assumed the mantle of leadership after the conflict with the Bastion, has a complex history shaped by personal loss and deep-seated resentment. Despite her position as the leader of Frostfall, Eira has never truly forgiven the Bastion for the tragic loss of her father, Romas, and her beloved brother, Finn. The pain and anger from their deaths continue to weigh heavily on her heart.   Eira's grief and resentment have fueled a deep sense of determination and drive to protect Frostfall's autonomy and ensure the city's prosperity. She carries the burden of her father's legacy and is steadfast in her commitment to safeguarding the interests of her people, believing that Frostfall's independence is essential for their survival and well-being.   However, within her own family, Eira faces additional challenges. She has a younger sister named Sigrun, who harbors resentment towards Eira for idolizing their father and for the war that led to their brother Finn's death. Sigrun holds a different perspective, believing that if Romas had not started the war, Finn would still be alive. This disagreement has created a strain between the sisters, as they grapple with their conflicting emotions and perspectives on their family's history.   Amidst the weight of responsibility and personal turmoil, Eira strives to navigate the intricate political landscape of the Epochian Span, determined to lead Frostfall with strength and resilience. Her resolve to protect her city and people remains unwavering, even as she wrestles with the pain of loss and the complex dynamics within her own family.
Current Location
Year of Birth
556 CY 40 Years old
Last Bastion Homepage