Frosten Fall

Frosten Fall, also known as Frostfall, is a small town located in the icy tundra of the north, ruled by a fierce yet fair human known asEira the Frozen. To protect its inhabitants from the harsh, freezing winters, Frostfall has a strange law that requires every citizen to carry a piece of heated coal at all times to prevent hypothermia. Eira is known for her determination and unwavering dedication to the safety of her people.   Frostfall's main export is ice fish, a rare and highly prized delicacy found only in the icy waters surrounding the town. Life in Frostfall is hard, with citizens enduring long winters and scarce resources, but the community is close-knit and supportive of each other. The town boasts a popular hot spring, where people gather to socialize and warm up during the winter months. The Frostfall Trading company, run by a shrewd human named Jorn, handles the export of ice fish and is a major source of income for the town.   Despite the harsh conditions, Frostfall has a beauty all its own, with stunning auroras lighting up the sky and snow-covered trees glittering in the sunlight. Eira is determined to make sure that her people thrive in this rugged environment, and she often leads expeditions to hunt wild game and gather supplies for the town. Her leadership and resilience have earned her the respect of her people, who look up to her as a symbol of hope and strength in the face of adversity.

Points of interest

Frozen Hearth Inn - This is the town's main inn and tavern. It is a popular spot for travelers passing through town to warm up and rest for the night. The inn is run by a friendly halfling named Thistle who is known for her hearty stews and warm apple cider.   The Frostfall Market - The town's marketplace is where locals gather to sell their wares and stock up on supplies. You can find everything from fresh produce and meats to hand-crafted goods like warm woolen scarves and blankets.   The Ice Palace - This is the grand residence of Frostfall's ruler, Lady Eira. The palace is made entirely out of ice and is said to glow in the moonlight. Only a select few are allowed inside its walls, but visitors can marvel at its beauty from afar.   The Frostfall Library - Home of House Solstice. This is the town's center of learning, where scholars and researchers come to study the history of Frostfall and the surrounding areas. The library is run by a wise old elf named Thalas who is always happy to share his knowledge with visitors.   The Ice Skating Rink - During the winter months, the town transforms a large frozen lake into a skating rink. It's a popular spot for families and couples to come and enjoy the beauty of winter while skating and playing games on the ice.
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