
Eldergate is a bustling city located in the heart of Valtara, known for its expert blacksmiths and skilled craftsmen who produce some of the finest weapons and armor in the land. The city is surrounded by tall stone walls, with several gates that allow people to enter and exit. The streets of Eldergate are narrow and winding, lined with shops and workshops that produce a wide variety of metal goods, from horseshoes and nails to intricate suits of armor. At the heart of Eldergate stands the great forge, a massive building where the city's blacksmiths gather to work their craft. The forge is always busy, with sparks flying and hammers ringing out a steady rhythm. Here, master blacksmiths work alongside apprentices, passing on their skills and knowledge to the next generation. The forge produces everything from swords and shields to horseshoes and nails, with each item crafted with precision and care.   The Mayor of Eldergate is Lord Aric Ironheart, a stern but fair ruler who takes great pride in his city and its traditions. He is a skilled blacksmith himself, having spent many years working in the forge before ascending to the throne. He is respected by the people of Eldergate for his leadership and his dedication to the city's welfare. Lord Ironheart is a tall, broad-shouldered man with piercing blue eyes and a thick beard. He is always dressed in a suit of armor, with a sword at his side and a hammer hanging from his belt. He is known for his sharp wit and his no-nonsense attitude, and he is not afraid to speak his mind, even when it's unpopular. Under Lord Ironheart's rule, Eldergate has prospered, with its blacksmiths and craftsmen becoming known throughout Valtara for their skill and expertise. The city is a hub of commerce, with traders and merchants coming from far and wide to buy and sell goods. Despite its bustling activity, Eldergate remains a tight-knit community, where everyone knows everyone else and the bonds of family and tradition run deep. Eldergate is home to House Obsidian.

Guilds and Factions


The Great Forge: The heart of the city, where the skilled blacksmiths of Eldergate gather to work their craft and produce some of the finest weapons and armor in Valtara.   Ironheart Keep: The residence of Lord Aric Ironheart, the ruler of Eldergate. The keep is a large stone fortress with high walls and a moat, and it houses not only the lord's quarters but also the administrative offices of the city.   The Market Square: A bustling marketplace located at the center of Eldergate, where merchants and traders from all over Valtara come to sell their wares.   The Armory: A large building located near the Great Forge, where the finished weapons and armor produced by the blacksmiths of Eldergate are stored and sold.   The Temple of the Forge: A place of worship dedicated to the god of fire and metalworking, where the blacksmiths of Eldergate come to offer prayers and seek inspiration.   The Blacksmiths' Guildhall: A large building where the blacksmiths of Eldergate gather to discuss their trade and share their knowledge and expertise.   The Inn of the Red Anvil: A popular inn located near the Great Forge, where travelers and merchants can find a warm bed and a hearty meal.   The Ironheart Stables: A large complex located on the outskirts of Eldergate, where horses and other beasts of burden are kept and trained.   The Iron Mines: A network of mines located beneath the city, where the iron ore that is used to make weapons and armor is extracted.   The Tower of the Watch: A tall tower located on the city walls, where a group of trained guards keep watch over Eldergate day and night to ensure its safety.
Large city
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