Ralon Obsidian

Ralon Obsidian was born into the prestigious Noble House Obsidian, a lineage known for its fierce warriors and unyielding loyalty. From a young age, Ralon exhibited a natural talent for combat, quickly mastering the art of swordsmanship and strategy under the tutelage of the house's seasoned veterans. Growing up in the grand halls of Obsidian Keep, Ralon was instilled with a deep sense of duty and honor. His childhood was a blend of rigorous training and noble etiquette, preparing him for the dual roles of warrior and courtier. Despite the harshness of his upbringing, Ralon found solace in the camaraderie of his fellow trainees and the rare moments of peace within the keep's ancient walls. Reason for Becoming a Steward   The turning point in Ralon's life came with a tragedy that struck the Obsidian household. During a fateful night, a rival house launched a surprise attack, resulting in the brutal massacre of many of his family members. In the aftermath, it was discovered that an insider had betrayed them, leaving Ralon with a profound sense of loss and a burning desire for justice. The head of House Obsidian, recognizing Ralon's unwavering dedication and need for purpose, appointed him as steward to the player character, a charge vital to the house's future. This grimdark responsibility was both an honor and a burden, serving as a constant reminder of his family's downfall and the betrayal that led to it.   Day-to-Day as a Liaison As a steward, Ralon's day-to-day life is a meticulous balance of managing affairs between House Obsidian and the player character. He oversees the logistics of their ventures, ensures their safety, and acts as the primary conduit for any communication between the two. His mornings often begin with reviewing reports and coordinating with the household staff, followed by rigorous training sessions to maintain his combat prowess. Throughout the day, Ralon accompanies his charge, offering counsel and protection, while also managing any political intricacies that arise. His evenings are spent in strategy meetings or in quiet reflection, always with an eye toward the ever-present threat of their enemies. Despite the heavy responsibilities, Ralon's unwavering loyalty to both his house and his charge drives him to perform his duties with relentless determination.    
Current Location
Year of Birth
544 CY 52 Years old
Current Residence
Blackstone Manor
Aligned Organization
Last Bastion Homepage

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