The Bastion of Ascension

The Bastion, a grand and towering cathedral nestled within the bustling city of Epoch, stands as a testament to the divine presence of the 7 goodly gods of the Span. Its architectural marvels reflect the devotion and reverence bestowed upon Boccob , Corellon Larethian , Ehlonna , Heironeous , Kord , Pelor , and St. Cuthbert . Within the hallowed halls of the Bastion, each deity is honored and represented by a powerful cleric, known as a "2nd Son," regardless of gender, forming a council of spiritual leaders.   Ascending to higher ranks within the Bastion requires undertaking noble tasks and contributing funds to the cities across the Span. Beginning as a level 1 member, dedicated individuals can gradually climb the ranks, acquiring wisdom, experience, and trust as they prove their commitment to the cause. Ultimately, the pinnacle of the Bastion is reached by the First Son, the eldest and most influential cleric, chosen through a majority vote of the council.   The Bastion serves as a center of spiritual guidance, where the faithful flock to seek solace, guidance, and blessings from the revered clerics. Its towering presence and intricate design inspire awe and reverence, while its vibrant inner chambers resound with prayers, sacred rituals, and the sharing of divine wisdom. Within its sacred walls, a harmonious blend of worship and community flourishes, fostering a sense of unity among the followers of the seven goodly gods.   The Bastion, a beacon of faith and enlightenment, stands as a symbol of the collective strength and devotion to the 7 goodly gods of the Span. It is a place where the divine and mortal realms converge, nurturing the spiritual growth and connection of those who tread its sacred halls.
Founding Date
139 CY
Alternative Names
The Bastion
Cathedral / Great temple
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Last Bastion Homepage

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