
Pepper was born and raised in Hatchberry. She always had a strong sense of duty and responsibility, so she joined the town guard at a young age. She quickly rose through the ranks due to her skill and dedication, eventually becoming the captain of the guard.   Pepper trained many young halflings in combat and defense over the years, but her most notable pupil was Rosemary, the orphaned human girl that Thyme had found. Pepper recognized Rosemary's potential but also saw that she was too wild and undisciplined to be taken on as a full-time apprentice. However, Pepper agreed to teach her some basic combat skills and helped her learn how to channel her energy and focus her attention.   After Rosemary left Hatchberry to pursue her own path, Pepper retired from the guard and settled down in her old age. She now spends her days tending to her garden and offering advice and guidance to young halflings in Hatchberry who seek her out.  


Pepper is a tough and no-nonsense halfling who takes her job as the captain of the guard very seriously. She is known for her unwavering loyalty to her people and her willingness to do whatever it takes to keep them safe. Pepper has a no-nonsense attitude and doesn't suffer fools gladly, but she also has a softer side that she rarely shows.   Pepper is fiercely protective of those she cares about and will stop at nothing to defend them. She is also very proud of her halfling heritage and takes great pride in being a member of the guard. Despite her tough exterior, Pepper has a good sense of humor and loves to tell stories about her adventures on the road. She is a trusted leader and a valued member of the Hatchberry community.
Current Location
Last Bastion Homepage