Sami Byrd (Sam-ee Bird)

3rd Son Sammil Byrd (a.k.a. Brother Sami)

Sami Byrd, a devoted human male cleric of St. Cuthbert, serves as the esteemed Third Son within the Sons of the Seventh Seal. Born in the vibrant tropical beach city of Sunhaven, Sami's journey to becoming a prominent figure within the organization is one defined by faith, discipline, and a deep connection to his deity.

Early Life

From an early age, Sami exhibited a strong sense of justice and a desire to uphold the virtues of righteousness and order. Growing up in Sunhaven, a city known for its lively atmosphere and diverse cultures, he was surrounded by stories of St. Cuthbert's unwavering commitment to truth and his pursuit of justice. Inspired by these tales, Sami dedicated himself to the teachings of the revered saint.   At the age of 21, Sami left his coastal hometown behind and journeyed to the Bastion of Ascendence, seeking to deepen his understanding of St. Cuthbert's teachings and serve a higher purpose. His unwavering faith, combined with his natural talent for channeling divine energies, quickly caught the attention of the leaders within the Seventh Seal.   For the past 30 years, Sami has served the organization with distinction, rising through the ranks to become the Third Son. His devotion to St. Cuthbert, coupled with his unwavering commitment to justice, has made him a trusted and respected figure within the Seventh Seal.


Sami's role as the Third Son allows him to channel the divine will of St. Cuthbert within the organization. He oversees the implementation of rituals, ceremonies, and practices associated with St. Cuthbert's teachings. His deep understanding of the saint's principles and his ability to inspire others with his unwavering faith make him a beacon of hope and righteousness for the members of the Seventh Seal.   Throughout his tenure, Sami has honed his skills as a healer and a purveyor of justice. His compassion and ability to bring solace to the suffering have earned him the gratitude and respect of those he has aided within the Seventh Seal and beyond. Sami's presence within the organization serves as a reminder of St. Cuthbert's teachings, emphasizing the importance of truth, order, and fairness in a world where chaos threatens to disrupt the balance.


In the hallowed halls of the Bastion of Ascendence, Sami Byrd stands as a steadfast champion of St. Cuthbert's ideals. His journey from the tropical shores of Sunhaven to the heart of the Seventh Seal embodies the transformation of an individual driven by faith and guided by the divine. As the Third Son, Sami Byrd's unwavering commitment to justice and his connection to St. Cuthbert make him an invaluable asset in upholding the sacred teachings of the organization and ensuring the preservation of the divine balance.
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
540 CY 56 Years old
Aligned Organization
Last Bastion Homepage

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