Sebastian Lee

Sebastian Lee was born into a family of renowned elven bards known for their musical prowess and mastery of the arcane arts. He grew up surrounded by music, literature, and the arts, and spent his childhood absorbing everything he could about the world around him. As he grew older, Sebastian's musical talent and charisma became apparent, and he quickly became a rising star in the elven bardic community.   Quinn, on the other hand, was born to a human mother and an elven father, and grew up in a more diverse and multicultural environment. Although he also showed a natural aptitude for music and storytelling, he struggled to find his place in the world and often felt like an outsider among his peers.   Despite their different backgrounds, Sebastian and Quinn both pursued careers as traveling bards, using their talents to entertain and enchant audiences across the land. They first met at a music festival in a small village, where they both competed in a bardic competition. Sebastian won the competition with his stunning performance, and Quinn, who had hoped to win himself, couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy.   Over the years, Sebastian and Quinn crossed paths many times, often competing in bardic contests and musical duels. Quinn became increasingly resentful of Sebastian's success and talent, and began to see him as a rival and a threat. But despite their growing animosity towards one another, they still respected each other's skills and talents.   One day, Quinn fell in love with a beautiful half-elf named Elizabeth. He devised an elaborate plan to seduce her, which involved a series of carefully planned romantic gestures and serenades. He confided in Sebastian about his plan, hoping to gain some insight and advice.   However, Sebastian had his own designs on Elizabeth, and he saw Quinn's plan as an opportunity to win her heart for himself. He proceeded to execute the plan with even greater finesse and skill than Quinn had planned, leaving Quinn feeling humiliated and defeated.   Since then, Quinn and Sebastian have become bitter rivals, constantly competing against one another in bardic competitions and musical performances. Quinn can't stand the sight of Sebastian, whom he sees as a scheming and manipulative rival who stole his chance at true love. Sebastian, meanwhile, relishes in his victory over Quinn and sees him as a jealous and insecure rival who can never truly match his talents.  

Personality Characteristics


More than anything, Sebastian wants to be recognized as the greatest bard in all the land, and to have his music and stories celebrated and appreciated by all who hear them. He is driven by a deep passion for his craft and a desire to leave a lasting impact on the world.


Social Aptitude

Sebastian is a charismatic and confident elf bard, known for his silver tongue and his ability to captivate audiences with his music and storytelling. He is highly skilled in the art of diplomacy and is often able to use his charm and wit to get what he wants. While he can be friendly and charming, Sebastian is also highly competitive and enjoys besting his rivals, which has caused him to develop a bit of an arrogant streak.


Date of Birth
22nd of Flocktime
Year of Birth
562 CY 34 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization
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