Session 003: Return to the Bastion Report

General Summary

The party, leaving the snake den with 12 chests of coins and swag, heads back to Mystwall. They stop at a local farmstead and haggled with a farmer for his wagon. After some back and forth, Quinn convinced the farmer to sell his cart to the party and they were able to head back into town.

The Mystwall Gates

A the gates of Mystwall, the party are stopped by the guards and the catchpole, Archie Coldmen, a man who's lifelong dream was to be a bean counter, met with them. Quinn, once again, attempted to schmooze on a better price but ultimately they paid their Tithe and Tax and were granted entrance to Mystwall.   The party split, with Quinn taking his portion of the gold and the rest finding shelter in the The Broken Blade. There they met an elf named Tannin who brews his own ale and distills his own Dragon Fire Whiskey. He is very proud of it, but Rosemary isn't impressed.   Quinn finds a brothel called the Velvet Veil, but goes past that to the Mystwall Orphanage where he meets with the house marm. He tells her that she has won a grant and hands her over 200 gold   The party leaves Mystwall and travels the highway to Windermere where they can take the ferry to Vespera.  

The Ferry Ride

As the ferry crosses Lake Aurora, Tama notices a beautiful female in dark steel and red armor glancing his way. Quinn also sees her and offers some advice on how to deal with ladies. It is then that Sebastian Lee places his arm around the men and tells them that Quinn is the perfect person to take advice from. Because of Quinn, Sebastian and his fiancee Elizabeth are to be wed soon.   Tama excuses himself to talk to the woman, who chides him on his choice of companion. Tama apologizes for Quinn, but she says that it's not Quinn, but Otto who is the horrid scoundrel. Otto knows this woman as Carrie, and hides away in the stowaway compartment with the horses. Mastiff the Hunter is also there, as well as Sage.   The new party explains they have teamed up and are also working toward the apprenticeship for the Bastion. They already returned back to The Metropolis of Epoch and are on their way to Vespera to deal with a Troll for a local merchant. They are promised $8000 gold for their work.  

The Con

As the party gets off the ferry they split from their adversaries. They see a young man holding a sign that says "Bastion Adventurers" staring over crowd, trying to spot the adventurers.   Quinn and the party approach him and claim to be the adventurers from the Bastion and taking the work from their counterparts.

Rewards Granted

The party received 150xp for their work.


Starting Date: 8th of Readying, 591 CY Ending Date: 10th of Readying, 591 CY
The Last Bastion
Quinn Amblecrown
Otto Sunero
Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.
Tama Dalkan
Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.
Rosemary Winter
Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Player Journals
Back at Mystwall... (5/7/23) by Tama Dalkan
Report Date
08 May 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Last Bastion Homepage