The Holy Order of St. Cuthbert


Saint Cuthbert's priesthood is divided into three major orders.   The Chapeaux, whose symbol is a crumpled hat, seek to convert people into their faith. They are equally divided between lawful good and lawful neutral characters. Paladins of Saint Cuthbert, known as Votaries or Communicants, have an honorary position in the Order of the Chapeaux. Their role is not just to convert others, but to actually fight enemies of the faith.   The Stars, whose symbol is a starburst, seek to enforce doctrinal purity among those already dedicated to the saint. Most are lawful neutral, and they do not shy from using mind-reading magic in order to ensure that even the private thoughts of their flock are pure.   The Billets are the most numerous of Saint Cuthbert's clergy. Most are lawful good, and they seek to minister to and protect the faithful. These are well-beloved by the common folk. Their symbol is a wooden club. The Chapeaux often come into conflict with the Billets, because the former order wants to seek new converts while the latter wants to care for the worshipers they already have.  

Minor orders

  There are a few lesser-known orders of St. Cuthbert.   In the city of Moonhaven, the Holy Order of the Rose reveres St. Cuthbert as its central figure, emphasizing his teachings and principles in their spiritual practices. Established in 153 CY, the order's founder, Sir Marise Devane, envisioned a community dedicated to justice, discipline, and compassion, embodying the virtues exemplified by St. Cuthbert. The order's members strive to maintain balance, uphold the law, and offer guidance and aid to the needy within Moonhaven, carrying forward the legacy established by Sir Marise Devane.   In the mountain city of Ironclad , the Order of the Saint's Storm was founded with the singular mission of eradicating evil undead forces across the expansive region known as the Span. Established by Sir Reynald Forge in 262 CY, the order originated as a response to a rising threat of undead encroachment in the mountainous territories. Sir Reynald, a seasoned warrior and devout follower of the god St. Cuthbert, envisioned a fellowship of skilled individuals dedicated to purging the land of necromantic taint. The Order of the Saint's Storm revears Heironeus and St.Cuthbert and combines martial prowess, divine magic, and strategic acumen to combat the undead scourge, serving as a bastion of hope and protection for the people of the Span. In the last century the order has shifted its focus to protecting the Bastion and Epoch. All White Guard members are part of this organization.
Religious, Organised Religion
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