Tiberius Gearspark

Meet Tiberius Gearspark, a brilliant gnome engineer and a dear friend of Alden Grimhammer. Hailing from the small town of Hatchberry, a city governed by Gnomes, Tiberius embarked on a journey to Vespera, a lakeside town, to pursue his passion for engineering and innovation.   Tiberius established his own engineering shop in Vespera, where he tirelessly tinkers and invents, utilizing his remarkable gnome intellect and skillful hands to create intricate mechanical wonders. His shop quickly gained a reputation for producing unique and ingenious contraptions that captured the imagination of both locals and visitors.  


  In addition to his entrepreneurial pursuits, Tiberius is also a long-standing member of the esteemed guild known as the Runeforgers. The Runeforgers are a guild of Artifiers, a select group of skilled craftsmen and magic practitioners who blend artifice and arcane energies to create powerful enchanted items. They are the guardians of the Arctrain, a mystical forge that channels magical energies into runes, infusing objects with extraordinary properties.   As a member of the Runeforgers, Tiberius possesses a deep understanding of magical constructs and arcane mechanics. He specializes in infusing his engineering creations with magical properties, producing devices that seamlessly integrate both science and enchantment. Tiberius's contributions to the guild have earned him recognition as a master Artificer and a trusted guardian of the Arctrain.  

Personality and Social

  Beyond his technical expertise, Tiberius is known for his kind-hearted nature and affable demeanor. He possesses a natural ability to connect with people, easily forming friendships and fostering a sense of camaraderie within the engineering and artificer community. Many seek his counsel and assistance, knowing that he is always ready to lend a helping hand or share his vast knowledge.   The friendship between Tiberius Gearspark and Alden Grimhammer is rooted in mutual respect and admiration. Their shared passion for craftsmanship and dedication to their respective trades has forged a strong bond between them. Tiberius often collaborates with Alden, incorporating his enchanting expertise into the exquisite weapons and armor crafted by the Dwarven blacksmith.   Together, Tiberius and Alden have embarked on numerous adventures, combining their unique skills to overcome challenges and unravel ancient mysteries. Their dynamic partnership blends the ingenuity of gnome engineering with the time-honored traditions of Dwarven craftsmanship, resulting in awe-inspiring creations that push the boundaries of possibility.    

Weapon Augmentations

  Tiberius can apply most augmentations to weapons but he is Oil Chamber (weapon, armor, or shield) An oil chamber is a tiny vessel attached to the hilt of a weapon, the inside of a shield, or either forearm of a suit of armor. You can fill the chamber with any magic or alchemical oil as a full-round action. Sealing the oil inside the chamber creates pressure, such that opening the chamber again (a swift action) causes the oil to spray out over the armor or weapon. In this way, you can apply the oil to your equipment quickly and efficiently. You cannot open a full chamber without having the oil spray, however, so filling the chamber is a commitment to applying the oil to that armor or weapon at some point in the future.   Filling an oil chamber with poison is a bad idea. Whoever is wielding or wearing the equipment is automatically exposed to the poison as it sprays out. However, it is safe to fill a chamber with trollbane - assuming that you are not a troll.   Unlike most modifications, an oil chamber can be added to an existing weapon, shield, or armor fairly easily. Weapons and shields can support one oil chamber, but a suit of armor can hold two (one on each forearm). You can build an oil chamber into a missile weapon, such as a crossbow, in such a way that the oil sprayed affects the loaded missile, rather than the weapon. Price: +1,000 gp
Current Location
Year of Birth
780 CY -184 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3' 6"
91 lbs
Aligned Organization
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