Vaelin Silverglade

Vaelin Silverglade, an elf of extraordinary craftsmanship, departed from the elven city of Ardamir approximately five decades ago, seeking a life that resonated more with his moral compass. Known as a master ring maker, Vaelin's creations were not just aesthetically pleasing but imbued with enchantments that made them highly sought after in the markets of Epoch.   His decision to leave Ardamir stemmed from a fundamental disagreement with the city's policies, particularly its involvement in the slave trade. Vaelin, with a deep sense of justice and empathy, found it incompatible with his values to remain in a place that condoned such practices. The ethical dissonance prompted his departure, seeking a city where his skills could flourish without compromise.   In Epoch, Vaelin set up his tent in the bustling bazaars, where the diverse crowd marveled at the intricate designs and magical properties of his rings. His craftsmanship was unparalleled, and each piece told a story of elven finesse. Over the years, Vaelin's reputation grew, attracting customers not only for the quality of his work but also for the principles he held dear. His rings became symbols of not just magical prowess but also of defiance against practices he deemed morally reprehensible.   As he continued to thrive in Epoch, Vaelin remained steadfast in his beliefs, contributing to the city's vibrant magical market while standing as a testament to the importance of one's principles in the pursuit of mastery and success.   Vaelin speaks common, elvish, draconic, sylvan, celestial, abyssal, infernal, giant. gnomish, orcish, terran, and undercommon.  
Current Location
Year of Birth
376 CY 220 Years old
5 lbs
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