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Cryogen's Personal History


Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Cryogen's bracer is an advanced piece of future technology that allows her to varyingly dampen the powers that she lacks conscious control over, has the capacity to create defensive forcefields, and also contains an advanced computer with massive banks of stored data from the future. Data that could drastically change the course of world history if it falls into the wrong hands.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Created artificially in the year 2112 by a coalition of scientific and military forces, Cryogen was one of a batch of vat-grown superhumans created to be the next generation of great minds. The endless was that the world had devolved into at that point was coming to a head and the chain of command was starting to break down. It didn't take long for Cryogen's unit to be destroyed, rendering her and one of the younger child soldiers alone to fend for themselves. All hope seemed lost, but the two of them bonded, becoming more to one another than they'd ever been designed to. The two started to see each other like sisters and Cryogen was overcome with an unfamiliar desire to protect the younger girl, to see her safe and if possible happy. She wasn't sure how she'd do it, but if there was anyone who could, it'd be the greatest triumph of Schurk International's artificial superhumans work. With her mind made up and an abandoned facility at her disposal, Cryogen set about doing the impossible. She'd save the world, even after it was already lost. Over the coming weeks and months, the two newly-minted sisters were forced to endure several hardships in the name of survival and Cryogen's experiments, suffering several setbacks along the way. Eventually though, they finally saw some progress, with Cryogen designing a device that could reverse time in a small area. This line of research then lead to greater discoveries and, after many sleepless nights, the pair found themselves cast back through the timestream, winding up in the year 2015 with a simple mission; avert the timeline from which they came at all costs.


While Cryogen has had little in the way of standardised education, as part of her development as a vat-grown soldier she was implanted with any knowledge or aptitudes the military deemed important or useful. As she displayed her superhuman capacity for further learning, she was given access to the military archives, through which she has taught herself a great deal about advanced technology and history. After winding up alone with Blaze, she managed to gain access to the greatest scientific archive of the time, allowing her to conduct the research she needed to send them back in time.


Cryogen has made a comfortable living for herself and her sister by patenting a number of technologies that she decided wouldn't upset the delicate timestream too much. She's also one of the resident members of the Vigil, working to maintain the tower and equipment for the team between working on her own projects.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Managed to piece together a rudimentary time machine and bring her sister and herself back to the year 2015.


Family Ties

Cryogen's strongest bond is with her sister, Blaze, who she's been raising since the pair were young. Even though Blaze is practically an adult now, Cryogen still believes her purpose in life is to protect her little sister and provide a life in a world that's better than the one they left behind.



Sister (Vital)

Towards Cryogen




Sister (Vital)

Towards Blaze




While Blaze and Cryogen are not biological siblings, they were both created in the same processing facility, Blaze for front-line operations, and Cryogen as a tactician and overseer. The two wound up in the same unit as the 22nd century war was drawing to a close, but before they had a chance to see a ceasefire, their entire unit was devastated in an ambush, leaving the two stranded and without anyone else to rely upon but each other.   While their differing personalities clashed at first, Blaze and Cryogen came to see the value in the other's way of doing things. The soft-hearted Blaze came to see Cryogen's often stoic demeanour as a point of stability in the dangerous world around them, and the latter came to see the younger soldier's sunnier disposition as a reminder that there are things worth fighting for beyond victory, and her ability to smash anything that got in their way definitely didn't hurt.   Over the proceeding months, the two came to see each other as sisters, bonding over their shared origin and shared fate, while Blaze helped Crogen create her magnum opus: a device capable of sending them backwards in time, in the hopes that they might be able to avert the cause of the war altogether.

Nicknames & Petnames

Blaze has a number of nicknames for her sister, ranging from the simple (Cryo is a common one), to the more eclectic, including the likes of Big C, Cold Shoulder, Ice Queen, and the list goes on.   Cryogen, by contrast, isn't usually one for nicknames. The closest Blaze gets is Idiot.

Lawful Good
Date of Birth
December 1st, 2112
Circumstances of Birth
Vat-grown for the sake of joining the ongoing war.
Blaze (Sister)
Dark blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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