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Harmony's Request

04/07/2025 - 08:00   [You have been added to group "B-Team"]   Harmony: "Hey guys, figured a group chat would be a good idea at some point anyway but doing it now because I need a favour. I think something shady is going on at the school. I'd check it out myself but Millie's down with a fever and I'm stuck looking after her. The PTA has been acting really strange recently, and they've practically taken over the running the school. I'm not sure what it is, but something isn't sitting right inside me. There's a meeting tomorrow, could you guys check it out and let me know?   P.S. Rue would you be able to take Jacob to school? I don't trust him on his own and he seems to respect you."   Mercy: “Hsli ne with ths mew telaohome”   Rue: “Of course, I can drop him off and keep an eye out.”   Mercy: “Whu sre all yur names un ny meaashes”   Pagan: "Which school is that? I hope Millie gets better soon."   Mercy: “Who os miklie!”   Pagan: "Also, do you need us to grab you anything while we're in the area?"   Harmony: "Thanks Rue, I appreciate it. We should be fine Emma thank you. Can someone contact the tech team and get them to remotely turn on Mercy's autocorrect?"   Mercy: “Tecj I lnow that wird”   Pagan: *thumbs up emoji*   Mercy: “Someone messaged me and said that some one has fixed my phone but I have had it the whole time, what’s going on?”   Warp: “I wish I could be of help, but I’m out of the city on Century business. I might be able to get back in time but I can’t promise anything”   Mercy: “What are we helping with?”   Pagan: "Harmony is saying there is something suspicious going on at a local school and wants us to look into it - my first guess would be cult activity, but you know what they say about hammers and nails"   Mercy: “Yes you do use hammers on nails”   Warp: “Also a traditional accompaniment to stakes I’ve heard”   Mercy: “No people normally just use the hammer with stakes nails don’t usually get involved. I know a few things about cultists. Met a few in my time not nice folks but easy to kill because they don’t know what they’re doing most of the time”   To be continued...


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