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Written by Noraneko94

Rue Harlin (a.k.a. The Kick-Butt Kid, The Cranberry Sauce Hero, Silhouette, Grumpy)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rue is relatively tall and appears lanky, but has grown some muscles doing odd jobs over the years. In order to properly use part of their pyrokinetic powers, Rue has trained in parkour to ensure they don't slam face-first into a wall when rocket-blasting themself forward.

Body Features

Their body is covered in scars, specifically on their torso. The oldest scar is the one on the bottom right side of their torso, where their kidney transplant happened. It did not heal right due to the continued 'testing' on the area, so while the original stitches were done professionally, the scar looks rough and jagged. Another significant scar can be found on their side from when they were shot in a warehouse when following Suplex and Blue. The wound was patched up nicely by Transonic, but was later aggravated again when they got their ass kicked by Amelia Abel.

Facial Features

Rue has pale grey eyes that almost glow silver, though they weren't born with these. Their natural eye colour was green, but this changed after Dr. Quade performed a double cornea transplant.

Identifying Characteristics

Rue is often recognised by their chin-length, curly black hair. They try to keep it short enough to keep it out of the way, but long enough to be able to conceal their face when needed.

Physical quirks

Ironically, partially due to their immunity to fire (and partially due to their ghostly entourage), Rue has a hard time staying warm. They can use their powers to heat up the area around them, but usually choose not to do so if others are around to avoid making them uncomfortable.

Special abilities

Through the experiments, Rue has developed telekinetic, fire elemental, and enhanced sensory powers.

Apparel & Accessories

Rue wears an oversized black shirt and black jeans, as well as a hoodie and second hand combat boots. The colour of the hoodie has been known to change from time to time, as they have a few different ones that they bought from charity shops, as well as a few nicer looking ones that were gifted.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born and raised in the slums, Rue was a sickly child from day one. Their medical condition made it impossible for them to play with other children, and their parents could not afford to send them to school. By the time they were 6 years old, they needed a kidney transplant to survive. Unfortunately, the waiting list for the transplant would not prioritise them, and so it seemed unlikely that Rue would receive the help they needed in time.   When a doctor offered an experimental procedure (for which they would not only be admitted immediately, but the doctor even offered to pay the parents for their troubles), Rue's parents accepted, leaving them in the hands of Dr. Oslac Quade. The surgery was a success, though it had an unexpected side effect: Rue had somehow also received the powers and some of the memories of the mutant transplant. As soon as this was discovered, Rue's parents were paid a comfortable and regular sum of money in exchange for further 'testing'.   Despite their protests, Rue continued to get experimented on for 10 years, after which they were left with telekinetic powers, fire elemental powers, and increased senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell, taste). Whenever Rue complained about the (often painful) procedures, their parents would berate them for their selfishness, reminding them that the money they received more than made up for 'whatever' it was that was done to Rue.   Before the experiments, Rue had thought their mother to be a kindhearted woman. She had been the one to teach Rue to read and write, and she had encouraged Rue to try their hand at cooking. When Rue got very sick, however, their mother seemed to change, the light in their eyes fading as if they'd shut out the world. The only thing that managed to bring the faintest sparkle back to their mother's eyes was the sight of the cheques that Dr. Quade provided.   Unfortunately, even the additional funds did not help the family out of the slums. Rue's father, determined to 'double their good fortune' would frequently bet their funds on the races, confirming that their fortune was, in fact, less than opportune whenever he returned home empty handed.   At age 10, Rue had undergone five major surgeries as well as various tests and transfusions. One of those operations included a double cornea transplant (though nothing had been wrong with their eyes), resulting in the change in their eye colour from green to an almost glowing silver. Among the experimentations, Dr. Quade sought to establish the limits of Rue's new powers.   At this point, Rue's spirit had effectively been broken. Feeling like they had no other purpose in life, they mindlessly spent most days in the brightly lit rooms of the clinic, the smell of disinfectants clinging to them even at home and their wrists and ankles raw from the restraints they frequently donned during testing.   In 2015, the experimentation ended abruptly when Dr. Quade went underground after the Railyard Raid. Rue's father was arrested at this time for something unrelated to them, and their mother disappeared the same day, so Rue suddenly found themself all alone.   Despite their broken spirit, Rue continued to survive for the next several years by pickpocketing people and doing odd jobs for The Spider, who they met after a failed pickpocketing attempt on one of the employees at The Six-Nines. During one of these jobs for The Spider, they crossed paths with Suplex, and the hero strangely ended up taking Rue under her wing.

Gender Identity

Though assigned female at birth, Rue doesn't feel particularly attached to one gender, therefore associating more with the term genderfluid. Their preferred pronouns are they/them, but they're fine with anyone using she/her or he/him as long as they get along with that person. On more than one occasion, they've corrected people by uttering the phrase ''Not a girl''.


Rue has not had any romantic relationships so far, and therefore has not given much thought to their sexuality. Their primary need, for years, was to survive, and their low self-esteem convinces them that they're not worthy of love.


Though Rue never got a formal education, they learned to read and write from their mother. Their passion for reading came later in life, though, when Doug introduced them to some classic novels. Nowadays, they own a library membership and can frequently be found with their nose in a book.   Over the years they have used some of their money to pay for classes in the hopes of furthering themselves in the world. They have furthermore learned by listening to the people around them and observing their skills.


In 2016, Rue ended up getting recruited by The Spider after they attempted to pickpocket one of the employees at The Six-Nines. They performed odd jobs for the information broker for years, for a while secretly sharing intel that they collected on these jobs with Suplex, Jasmine, and Blue.

Mental Trauma

After 10 years of experimentation, Rue is left with more than physical scars.   Their parents effectively sold them for their own monetary gain, not once caring about the pain they put their child through, leaving them with a non-existent self worth and an unhealthy relationship with money.   The experimentation has also left them with a strong distrust and dislike of doctors and nurses, to the point where hospitals trigger panic attacks.   It has furthermore resulted in a strong dislike for physical interactions. There are a handful of people who can touch them without it immediately triggering a panicked response, and even then they prefer if people give them a warning in advance.   Terrified that Dr. Quade might still be after them, they tend to keep one eye open at all times, always looking over their shoulder.

Intellectual Characteristics

Despite their minimal education, Rue can be exceptionally insightful. They have spent years simply listening to everything around them, learning through observation.


When Rue first tried alcohol, they lost control of their powers and ended up setting Suplex's sofa on fire. As such, Rue has decided that it's for the best that they never try alcohol again.

Personality Characteristics


Their original motivation was plain and simple: money. Money = survival, that's how Rue had been raised, and that's what they pursued. In the last couple of years, however, their motivations have shifted somewhat.   Though they're not entirely convinced yet of their worth, Rue feels strongly about protecting the people at the Railyard. They want to look out for the ones who are usually cast aside, whilst simultaneously seeking for a sense of belonging themself.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Though Rue has owned a phone before when working for the Spider, they're not very tech savvy. They know how to make calls and send texts, or how to take a photo, but the world of social media apps and other tech is mostly beyond them.

Likes & Dislikes

Whilst Rue is not very good with people, they do have a soft spot for cats. Rue can frequently be found purchasing cans of cat food for the stray cats that roam the Railyard, and has been known to keep the cats warm in the colder months with their powers.   Rue tends to most enjoy foods that they associate with the people in their life, their favourites include pancakes (thanks to Rani, the pancake queen), burgers (having shared many greasy evenings with Doug), and pasta (expecially the broccoli dish that was a specialty of Jasmine's).   Despite Nadia's best attempts, they really don’t like foods that are too spicy. They don’t mind a bit of spice, but with their senses being heightened, spices hit them a lot harder than most people. Nadia would eventually introduce them to a variety of Pakistani dishes that aren’t spicy and they love those as they tend to be very flavourful, but the spicy food is a bit much for them.

Virtues & Personality perks

Over the years, Rue has come to strongly value promises, almost like a binding contract. They do not make promises unless they fully intend to keep them.

Vices & Personality flaws

Rue has been known to go into an almost frenzied state when people they care about are hurt or threatened - frequently taking it out on whoever caused the hurt in a way they sometimes (though not always) end up regretting later.

Personality Quirks

Rue has a habit of fidgeting with items on their person when something troubles them. They primarily fidget with the hem of the hoodie they seemingly wear all year round.


Though they were homeless for a long time, Rue's hygiene has improved over the years. They love taking a hot shower to clear their head, but they do prefer to use unscented soaps as the artificial scents can irritate their nose a little.


Contacts & Relations

Though they don't have many friends, Rue has a strange bond with Arthur, the owner of Chapman's bargains. Chapman's Bargains is located directly across from the Railyard, and Rue used to protect the shop in exchange for occasional meals or medical care from the old man.   Rue furthermore is friends with Rani Farooq, a girl slightly younger than them who wormed her way into their heart with her sunny disposition and copious amounts of pancakes.   When Rue crossed paths with Rachel and Jasmine during one of their jobs for the Spider, the two women took an interest in them. After getting shot whilst tailing Suplex and Blue, Rue offered to become their spy against the Spider.   Now that they're working with the B-Team, Rue is actively attempting to work on their social skills by reaching out to the members even outside of their job.

Family Ties

Rue was an only child. Their parents were neglectful at best, and sold Rue to be experimented on when they realised there was value in their child this way. Their father was arrested during the Railyard Raid and their mother disappeared the very same day, leaving Rue on their own.

Religious Views

Rue is an atheist, but they do believe in spirits - having an entourage of spirits with them at all times makes it hard to believe otherwise.   Despite having visited an actual Hellscape, Rue still refuses to believe in the existence of a God, at one point having said to Mercy ''I’m not going to rely on God to make the plans.''

Social Aptitude

Due to their upbringing, Rue can sometimes be a bit blunt with people - something that has caused some friction in the past. They are actively working on their social skills in an attempt to be a more approachable and likeable hero.

Wealth & Financial state

Rue is very frugal with their spending, only getting their clothing from charity shops (unless they're gifted new items). One of the habits they've kept from their time living in the streets is that they prefer cash over cards, and they split their money across several different 'hideouts', both on their person and around the apartment.

Being used and experimented on for 10 years has left Rue scarred in more than one way. With the encouragement of Vigil hero Suplex, they join the B-Team, but are they really cut out to be a hero?

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral/Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Kick-Butt Kid (from Suplex while held at gunpoint)   The Cranberry Sauce Hero (after a particularly harrowing event)   Silhouette (from Blue on the first day he managed to get them in a costume)
Date of Birth
13th August 1999
Current Residence
Anywhere they can sleep
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Also, not a girl." - Often.   ''Fuck the Sovereign!'' - With fireball for emphasis.

Rue's Ghostly Entourage:


Kate Russell

The telekinetic teenager who went to work for the wrong man and ended up unwillingly donating her kidney to Rue.  

Demi Vasquez

A young trainee baker with an exceptional taste palate who simply was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  

Evie Hansen

An unlucky tourist who got lost in the wrong part of town, and asked the wrong person for help finding their way back home.  

Kenny Walsh

A suitably hot-tempered pyrokinetic with a passion for chaos who's pituitary was sampled for some of Quade's experiments.  

Ralph Ward

Adisgraced sports coach who liked to use his X-ray vision to spy on his students getting changed. After falling on hard times, his road eventually lead to his corneas being sampled.  

Otis Coleman

A soup kitchen volunteer who came running when he heard the sound of screams coming from the direction of 18215 Everbrook Hill from over a mile away, but was never seen again.  

Abbie Roman

Having lost their prime spot as champion in the underground fights happening within the Railyard, Abbie thought she’d found a new way to pay for her addiction.  

Vincent Page

With no friends or family to speak of, old man Vince was an easy target for a crazed doctor in need of a blood donor.  

Gina Mata

With a nose for both tracking and trouble, Gina was an investigative reporter with her own column; "Reporting What Mata's", but found herself on the wrong end of the surgeon's scalpel just the same.  

Aaron Martin

As if being disowned by his family for being gay wasn’t bad enough, Aaron just had to fall for that charming smile and those gorgeous brown eyes…  

Mohamed Asad

A taxi driver with a heart of gold, his life was cut short when he tried to save a young woman outside a bar from getting kidnapped by a strange man in a white coat.  

Dawson Bradley

Having dreamed of becoming a doctor and helping her fellow Railyard roaches, she was beyond ecstatic when the doctor whom she’d seen visiting that sickly young girl offered to teach her despite her lack of education.  

Christina Patel

A social worker with a knack for picking up on even the smallest hint that something was amiss, she got too close to the truth when an anonymous tip sent her into the depths of the Railyard.  

Jaya Benjamin

Having run away from her abusive husband but finding herself pregnant, she thought she was doing the right thing seeking out an abortion.  

Fynn Osborne

A wannabe rockstar turned beggar when his career failed to take off, Fynn almost felt relieved when he realised he had been tricked with a soft bed and a hot meal.  

Armaan Berry

A rich fuckboy who gambled on the wrong whore, he blindly trusted a surgeon when he woke up robbed and beaten in the slums of the city.  

Heidi Callahan

A con artist on the run from a string of ex-lovers, she thought a wealthy doctor would be the perfect final target before she could make her great escape.  

Livia Whitehead

A young girl with a love for animals who followed a stray kitten too far into Bathala’s underbelly.  

Rufus Cabrera

He’d intended to use the warehouse as a safe space to secretly practise his newfound powers, to become a hero. It was too late by the time he realised he had been training right above a villain’s lair.  

Lewis Wells

After killing his daughter in a horrible accident, alcohol wasn’t enough for him to forget. Drug addled and alone, he still couldn’t help but meddle when he saw the way those people treated their little girl.  

Zoe Hart

Suffering from PTSD and having lost an arm after a tour in the army, she refused to go down at the hands of some creep without a fight.  

Anthony Longjohn

Genius or mad professor? Having challenged Quade’s work capabilities in the past, he became a personal target for revenge when their paths crossed once more.  

Zain Conway

Having been scouted as a talented football player, he finally saw a way out of the Railyard. He just wanted to make sure there would be no surprises when he attended the club’s medical, so he found someone to do one in advance.
Rue as they appeared as a child.  
  Rue as they appeared as a teenager.      
Rue as The Spider in The Valiant Universe.


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