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Lady Lighthouse

Lady Linda Schuter- Hamilton (a.k.a. Lady Lighthouse, The Harrowing Hat-Lady)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lady Lighthouse is easily mistaken as somewhat waifish with her fairly skinny appearance (not helped by the almost two foot tall hat she wears), but assuming that makes her weak would be a mistake. In addition to her other powers, Lady Lighthouse is gifted with remarkable strength and durability which allows her to go toe-to-toe with some of the superhero community's heavy hitters.

Special abilities

Lady Lighthouse is possessed of a fairly unique set of powers centering around her primary theme. While no-one has been able to get her to divulge the source of these powers, their memetic link implies some sort of magical or intentional origin rather than her being a mutant. The exact limits of her powers aren't known, but she's been witnessed exhibiting the following powers:
  • Superhuman strength: While not on the same level as the true heavy-hitters like Blaze and Suplex, Lady Lighthouse is able to damage concrete with her punch and can lift a car overhead.
  • Superhuman endurance: Lady Lighthouse is naturally a little more resistant to injury than an average human and can enhance this with concentration, making her flesh harder than concrete and allowing her to shrug off small arms fire. She's also able to plant herself in the ground and make herself nearly impossible to move via physical means.
  • Extradimensional storage: Lady Lighthouse has access to some sort of extradimensional space that she calls the "Lighthouse dimension" and can pull objects from this space at will, allowing her to keep a large collection of (usually lighthouse-themed) objects and paraphernalia handy at all times.
  • Lighthouse Spawn/Despawn: Her most iconic power is her ability to summon lighthouses, often as gigantic thrown weapons. She's able to summon them in various shapes and sizes, for offense, defence, and even travel (using the momentum of a lighthouse summoned beneath her to propel her into the air). Her ability to despawn lighthouses isn't limited to ones she created either, as became evident during her spree of lighthouse thefts. There is a theory that the ones she steals are kept in the lighthouse dimension for later summoning, but it's been noted that, while she can recreate the stolen lighthouses, she's definitely spawned more than she ever stole.

Apparel & Accessories

The clothes that comprise her costume are a fairly plain white and orange striped dress and her lighthouse hat. The hat to most is her most identifiable feature, rising almost two feet over her head, its shape a small facsimilie of the lighthouse that once meant so much to her.

Specialized Equipment

A few of the objects stored in the lighthouse dimension (See "Special Abilities") include:
  • Lighthouse shaped cookies for snacking.
  • A small operational lighthouse to use as a highly inconvenient torch.
  • Lighthouse "flashbangs" that emit incredible amounts of light in all directions and blast their foghorn loud enough to disorient oponents despite being only about six inches tall.
  • Lighthouse pens like those that could be found in a gift shop.
  • A themed notebook.
  • Her mobile phone which, while not a lighthouse itself, has a lighthouse case.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In another time and another place, Linda Schuter was the happy wife of Mark, a Royal Navy sailor, and, while she was sad to see him go to sea for months at a time, she'd often visit the nearby lighthouse to watch over the ocean in the hopes that he'd return to her safe and sound. It became a ritual for her and, when it was time for him to return from his deployment, she'd look out for his ship cresting over the horizon ready to go and meet him by the docks as soon as he landed.   That was of course until an unfortunate lunchtime meet-up with her best friend, the French seamstress Anabelle, and an unsupervised look at her phone's picture gallery led to Linda uncovering an ongoing affair between her and Mark. She had always considered herself quite a stable person, rational, sensible, some would even say boring, and so she knew that she needed to remember the advice her mother would always give her: Keep calm, and always act in a cool and collected way.   So, after she'd finished drowning that cheap, French hussy in her own dish water, Linda made her way towards that same lighthouse, tears rolling down her cheeks as she looks back towards the sun setting on the horizon, to where that lying, cheating rat was going to be returning that very evening. She thought about the life they'd built together, all the sacrifices she'd made for him, and decided that he didn't deserve any of it. If he was going to act like a rat, he could drown like one too.   While no-one can be entirely sure what happened up on that hill overlooking the sea, they know that Linda Schuter went up, and the Lady Lighthouse came down, leaving an empty space where that old structure used to be, and wearing a smile on her face that none in that little seaside town had ever seen before. Her laughter could be heard echoing down the street accompanied by the sound of twisting metal and crashing waves as a returning ship crashed into the coastal rocks.   The next few weeks saw a strange string of unusual lighthouse thefts up the coast by the new supervillainess, her new persona taking on a more manic and thrill-seeking nature, eventually drawing the attention of the nearby superhero community. With her operating primarily on the coast, she soon came face-to-face with the Vigil's most mobile hero, Transonic.


Linda has a handful of GCSE's from her school days, but her true passion was always baking. In stead of pursuing further education, she joined a bakery out of school and has honed her craft over the years, with a special skill for decorating biscuits and small cakes.

Personality Characteristics


With her happy home life dead and buried in her past, Linda wants only to live in and enjoy the present moment. She loves being a supervillain, not because she enjoys hurting people, but because of the thrill and excitement inherent in the hero-villain dynamic. It's why, in Transonic's eyes, she's the perfect villain to try and rehabilitate, if only they can convince her that the dynamic is fun from the other side too.

Likes & Dislikes

Lady Lighthouse's likes include:
  • Lighthouses
  • Bakery sweets
  • Transonic (Transy)
  • Adventure
  • The Beach
Her dislikes include:
  • Boring heroes
  • Infidelity
  • Nautical GPS systems


Social Aptitude

While by no means disruptive in a social setting, it doesn't take long to see that Lady Lighthouse is a little eccentric, often jumping from one conversation topic to another with little regard for finished ideas. For those that can keep up with her thought process, they'll likely find her both witty and interesting, but those that can't will likely find her quite exhausting.


Linda's voice was once gentle and smooth, but upon taking up the Lady Lighthouse persona has become a lot more energised, becoming almost musical in tone when speaking about something she's interested in.
Current Status
On Parole
Current Location
Date of Birth
14th of March, 1987
Grey and wide
Dark and wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, lightly tanned
5'9" (Without hat) 7'5" (With hat)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"It's lighthousin' time!"   "I've got just the lighthouse for this!"   "Well, that wasn't very lighthouse of you."   "This guy seems more like a dimhouse."


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