Madam Mariposa

Madam Mariposa (a.k.a. Bug / Chrys)

In the short story Mariposa, we meet 'Bug', one of the street orphans of Aberston. Referred to as "beans", these children are often sired by nameless sailors who come ashore for a tryst with a bar wench who is unable to feed the child. The beans typically engage in petty crime and run errands in order to survive in the world; some make it to adulthood, often enlisting in the navy or secure more valuable employment as a result of the wide range of skills they developed on the streets. Some do not survive at all.

  Bug, was to be one of the lucky ones, though he wouldn't have known it at the time. Always an outsider, he could never shake the feeling that something about him wasn't quite right. The others could sense it too, that he was in some undiscernable way... odd. After a chance meeting with the daughter of The Lord Admiral, Charlotte, bug realises that the 'oddness' is his body: it had always felt like he didn't belong to him, but trying on Charlotte's clothes awakened something deep within him. Before he could process these new feelings, he had been caught by her father and driven from the house, feeling ashamed he tried to flee, only to be brutally assaulted by the guards and waking up after several days in a coma at the Aberston Naval Hospital where a nurse cared for him.

  Coming to terms with the damage to his body and the feelings he had encountered, Bug had hatched a plan to reinvent himself; he would be known as "Chrys", and would exist between worlds, neither here nor there, in light nor in shadow, he nor she. They would use this newfound stealth skill to benefit the nurse who cared for him, and to gain access to Lady Evilyn whom he had heard was the granter of dreams. For indeed she was, and upon hearing of their plight, set about Chrys' final transformation: developing them in the star performer "Madam Mariposa". It was intended to be something akin to a drag performance, but for the first time in their life, Chrys felt like she belonged in her body as Madam Mariposa, and assumed the identity permanently.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Always petite and lean, years of studying performing arts - dancing, stretching, gymnastics, etc - has given their petite, lithe frame definition and strength while maintaining a feminine appearance. 

Facial Features

Pixie / impish in appearance, with bright green almond shaped eyes peering out from under dark lashes and framed by lush black curls that tumble down to their shoulders. A small mouth with red lips showing the ghost of a smile sit between a small pointed chin and delicate nose.

Apparel & Accessories

On stage: elaborate butterfly-themed costumes in myriad colours and patterns, often with wings sewn into the back - in a way that disguises them until a well-timed big reveal during the show. 

Specialized Equipment

Ear-cuffs that accentuate that pointedness of their ears in various metals (Copper, Gold, Silver) to match any costume. A specially crafted undergarment smooths out any unwanted bulges in their midriff. 

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Assigned male at birth, "Bug" grew up not really feeling right in his body, but also not really understanding why that was. Following a physically and mentally traumatic event, they underwent a personal journey of discovery, getting to know their authentic self - Chrys - for the first time. They then developed the on stage feminine persona of Madam Mariposa. 


Chrys as not consciously explored or considered their sexual and romantic orientations, but has had lovers of several genders without a particular preference. Having only recently discovered a love for themself, they are not actively looking for a romantic relationship (despite a never ending line of suitors) but would also not shy away from the opportunity if it occured. 


Chrys grew up on the streets as a bean called "Bug", and so has no formal education; they do however have a vast array of skills developed over the years spent surviving on Blackwall Lane, and more recently an education in performing arts provided by Lady Evilyn

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Learning to love and accept themself as they are
  • Performing for the The Lord Admirals birthday party at the Court of Lords 

Failures & Embarrassments

Being caught by the The Lord Admiral in his daughters' bedroom trying on her dress after damaging his own clothes, then fleeing in a panic only to be hospitalised by a particularly brutal captain of The Citadel Guard

Morality & Philosophy

Everybody has the right to exist in whatever way suits them and to be accepted with open hearts and minds. If someone needs help, and you are in a position to do so, you should help them in a way that supports and empowers them without costing their dignity or self-respect. 

Personality Characteristics


The safe warmth and comfort of slipping beneath the covers of their own bed at the end of the night for a good restful sleep after years of sleeping rough with one eye open on Blackwall Lane.
The ongoing plight of the street beans and a desire to give them better opportunities than she had.

Current Status
regular performances at The Rose & Thorn Inn
Current Location
They / Them
Assigned male at birth
female presenting
On stage: exagerrated femininity, but off-stage more androgynous style.
Emerald green, with long delicate black lashes.
Black medium length hair that grew in loose curls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
clear, unblemished, lightly tanned from being on the streets
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • Give me your nectar, I'll spread my wings! (flirtatiously to fans)
  • Even a bug can be beautiful
  • Butterflies may be beatiful, but they still eat rotting fruit (remembering her roots)


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