Ancestors Organization in Bestowment of Greatness - A Parallel Earth | World Anvil
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Long before the group was born, a group of adventurers came together to stop an evil based on prophecy shared by Lightbringer about removing the orb in the hopes of stopping an evil. The group worked to remove the orb but in so doing the orb split. It appears they were able to gather the pieces.   Events are not entirely clear as it seems something has happened to their memories where some will mention their group was 4 while others remember 5. Though the memory has also been affected they traveled in organic ship as well. Also the locations of the pieces of the orb seem to be contained within the ancestor who hid it. Though some events or conversations do seem to repair their memories at times.   Each ancestor can be contacted through meditation (see Contacting Ancestors ) with the notable exception of Vincent who seems to have ongoing discussion within Dr. Elijah Heartman's head.   Current known ancestors include Vincent, Adira , Clint and Huang Feihong.


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