Orb Item in Bestowment of Greatness - A Parallel Earth | World Anvil
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  The orb is an object that has appeared in visions. It's first appearance is with Professor James Short where he observed the orb after reading a de-brief from fellow Professor Barnes giving a dosier about the orb. The vision showed someone reaching out to the orb and a demon rushing to gain possession of the orb, and it shattering. During the vision there was a stone alien present who seemed to be involved with protecting the orb.   The second vision of the orb was from the perspective of a safe where Professor Short could see the bank of a man (later determined Eldest son ) watching people bellow (the arena bellow in Club Paradise ). Professor Short also consulted Dr. Rhinehardt on the Moon base where he was told the orb is very powerful and should be given to him as handled poorly it could be devastating.   After the orb was discovered within the safe it made the eldest child respond in pain and canceled the illusion of Vincent upon Dr. Elijah Heartman. The orb was brought to organic ship where it later made contact with Caregiver boosting his size and powers, requiring decontamination.   Later Professor Short, Hadley Messer and Eric Harmon ended up touching the orb getting a vision. They saw a stone alien warning they need to set things straight what they had done. They aslo saw the original Ancestors who saw a prophecy that started the previous adventure. Additionally there was a recap of the original vision where the group was able to see the orb floating above a black pool on top a temple dais. Looking at the outer walls there was writing seemingly similar to Mesopotamian text, there was a orrery of planets in conjunction. With the combined efforts of the group and understanding of myth it was determined the conjunction of planets opened dimensional rift to underworld permitting the demons to enter. Additional observation found the black liquid turned into a large bugs that scurried off which speculation it was "The Children". It was also determined to have next conjunction around this December 21-23rd. There was also a word that could me made out "cestus guardian" where there were icons of a gloved warrior.
The garden above is a physical representation of the central space within the dais, shown bellow where the orb floats above the black viscous fluid.
Visualization of the orerry within the temple. The stone guardian in the temple.


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