Axel Character in Bestowment of Greatness - A Parallel Earth | World Anvil
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  Axel or Lord Axel as he prefers to be called is a Changelings  mage who arrived on Sanctuary Islands around 6 years ago. Soon after his arrival the Council finalized laws prohibiting the inhabitants from leaving the island on the grounds of internal safety. This motivated him to challenge the council and demand to be appointed one of their members. To only his surprise the council did not give in to his demands. Seeing the council and Noah as inept and stuck in their old ways, he began preaching changeling supremacy. He would quote Tristine Chronicles showing how they feared them for they were their betters. He said it was not only fair but their right to return to the mainlands and show them the error of their views. As his followers grew in number his speeches began emphasizing the right to rule and even retribution for past wrongs. To show his disdain to the fearful changling citizens he and his followers moved to the Island of Ruin where he took up residence in one of the ancient pyramids.   Feeling real progress needed to happen he enlisted the aid of Summoner and hired some song mages to assist in his effort to capture Vault in the hopes of gaining the artifacts inside. With such tools and their own inherent abilities their time would come! Unfortunately due to the arrival of our heroes, Wolfen and underestimating the defenses of the Elf and "Treelings" he has found himself currently at a setback.


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