Vault Geographic Location in Bestowment of Greatness - A Parallel Earth | World Anvil
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  Protected by an outer canopy of trees the Crystal Vault is hidden from view on the Sanctuary Islands. Within holds magical items and a shard of the Orb. A contingent of Elf and "Treelings" stand guard outside it to keep it safe. Recently it has been bolstered by the arrival of 4 Wolfen who are there to help the elves.   Within the vault are trials which are necessary to pass in order to access the contents inside. Within a meditation between Hadley Messer and Adira she reveals she was the primary one to hide this shard. Though all the Ancestors were involved in it's concept, only she retains the memories of it. Each trial must be done by a different individual in order for the lock to open to the vault itself. When asking about the vault, Huang Feihong instructed Professor James Short that things are not always what they seem, he needed an open mind.   Within the vault itself included the trials stage which was broken into 5 smaller circles. Within the center each of the circles was a pedestal with one of the Weapons of Power. Upon touching the weapon a trial was initiated where the terms were announced and a "crystaline entities" formed to assist in solving the challenge. Once all 5 trials were complete the larger circle descended into the crystal inner chamber .
Canopy from interior
Crystal Vault entrance   Go to map
Chamber general design
chamber look


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