Sanctuary Islands Geographic Location in Bestowment of Greatness - A Parallel Earth | World Anvil
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Sanctuary Islands

Upon entering Stonehenge our heroes found themselves in a strange place. A place of magic and unrest. Speaking with Archie it was revealed the islands were a sanctuary for changelings which Eric Harmon said in his world they would be called shapeshifters. Archie explained in their world according to something called the Tristine Chronicles changelings are rumored to be responsible for the end of the world. The two islands (Noah's Sanctuary and Island of Ruin) were to be a safe place for changeling away from the world at large. Unfortunately due to the arrival of Lord Axel in the hopes of gaining access to the power and magical artifacts inside.   Points of interest on Noah's Sanctuary consists of Noah's Castle (a place where Noah himself lives), the stone circle (where Eric and Erem Scathac arrived) and the changeling town itself found on the eastern coast. Points of interest on Island of Ruins include the vault itself, the ancient ruins, Axel's camp and the pyramid nearby Axel's camp where according to one of the Elf is where Lord Axel seems to live. Upon investigation it was determined that these islands are not within the home dimension.


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