Club Paradise Geographic Location in Bestowment of Greatness - A Parallel Earth | World Anvil
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Club Paradise

Club Paradise has been the site of considerable happenings as discovered by the group. Initial infiltration and disguising as cooks they were able to tap into the security cameras in the security room. They discovered Josh looking for his friend Abbey who had gone missing. Thankfully Hadley Messer was able to get him under control for them to find not only Abbey but a trap door to a lower level (#22). Hadley was able to use her gifts to cleanse Abbey who was found under the influence of slappers. Additionally it was discovered Mike the Bartender was moonlighting here.   After the group left the staff went into a kind of lock down which resulted in capturing Decon and Nick Valentine and temporarily cut off the video feed. After regrouping and enlisting the aid of Erem Scathac they infiltrated the lower level.  
The lower level resulted in finding guards with strange vials of liquid, an arena with individuals under the influence of Slappers all the while eldest son watched on. Many helpful items were discovered including "the children's" black ledger and encrypted journal. Only the eldest of "The Children"  was seen and he was apprehended.   With the illegal operations discovered the club was closed. Talks of the building going up for auction with Zack with a group of other young artists to make a bid but there has been growing interest from a variety of groups given its prime location downtown.


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