Erem Scathac Character in Bestowment of Greatness - A Parallel Earth | World Anvil
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Erem Scathac

  Erem Scathac has a reputation on street as a small-time conman. He did several jobs when younger, but never anything special. Only recently has his name rise to prominence due to his jobs become more complex and ambitious. He is known more for his connections than his prowess. Anyone who worked with him does not share much about it, aside from the jobs he takes tend to go off successful. He is known to be catty and warry of anyone. He is particular of jobs he will take. He is as good as his word and not known to go back on his word unless someone break their word first.   Erem joined the adventure after middle men setup contact between him and Professor James Short for a job. In communicating with each other it became clear they came from different social worlds. A demonstration of his skills was setup on abandoned dock area where he retrieved a staff from a locked room.   Erem guided the group into the lower levels of Club Paradise where they managed to procure the Orb , Encrypted Journal , "the children's" black ledger and capture Eldest son . He helped them safely escape.   Erem later had a surprise meeting with Lightbringer showing up at an associate of his home. He managed to render him unconscious with a surprise attack and bound him rolled up in a rug. Contacting the group he spoke with Eric Harmon to setup a meeting at Larkhil, UK. They traveled on organic ship to travel to Moon base where they brought Lightbringer was interrogated with Dr. Rhinehardt present. Dr. Rhinehardt also offered to help heal Erem's associate just asking to bring her to the moon base.   Erem returned with Eric back to Stonehenge, Earth to join Hadley Messer and Professor Short. They followed last known location and awoke in another place seeing 6 individuals robed with symbol of Lightbringer and one with glowing eyes looked to the two of them and said, "You have returned."


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