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Slappers Distribution Center Found at Club Paradise

  Appearing on the TV screens the young woman smiles to the camera as she proceeds. "Breaking news regarding the ongoing Slappers epidemic as one of the main processing and distribution sites was uncovered. We go live to Snapper Karr, reporter on scene."   On camera takes place outside a building with police tape keeping observers at a distance in the background. Standing with the reporter is a well-dressed man. "This is Snapper Karr, and we are standing outside the location of a recent law enforcement raid. With me to give some details is federal Agent Harding. Agent Harding is there anything you can say about tonight's development or the Snapper investigation?"   Harding smiles first at the reporter then turns to the camera. "Tonight, was fruit of a long-term undercover investigation into the slapper drug trade. Tonight, we apprehended many of the individuals involved along with vital information on the network as a whole. It is in part thanks to you, the law-abiding citizens of New York who have assisted providing information and resisted this plague that has infested our fair city. Tonight, is just one step in the process to restore the city. The slapper trade is on notice. Unfortunately, I cannot go into specifics given the ongoing nature of the investigation."   Snapper turns to the camera as it focuses in on his face. "There you have it; we can all breathe a little easier knowing our streets are a little safer. Once again this is Snapper Karr reporting on scene; back to you Cynthia."   The camera returns to the woman in the newsroom. "In a related story there has been a growing unrest in relation to the slappers situation. Though it has taken a turn more unexpected. A Citizen group by the name of 'Slappers for a Better Tomorrow' - or 'SBT' as some have coined it - have been increasingly vocal leaving graffiti on public buildings (picture of courthouse wall with SBT), internet forums supporting slappers and most recently a tourist's video that has gone viral. The following video contains graphic content and may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.   The home video plays with the closed captioning enabled. The video focuses on some street musicians and dancers with a hat collecting tips. The performers are wearing fluorescent paint with the black lights in the background display leads to illusion of skeletons moving on their own to the tune of the music. Captions read as the tourist speaks (Japanese) "Look at the skeletons dance...." The music is interrupted to the sound of a man's scream in pain. The music and performers stop as the tourist moves in the direction of the noise. "What is this? Is this part of the show?" The camera looks down a dark alley as two metallic shapes are hurled into view. From their shape they look like wings. A man with a black hoodie (Dangerous child ) with red letters spelling 'SBT' approaches. He wears a black face mask and is dragging a man (winged man) who has two large wounds on his back with his arms zip tied. The man in the hoodie looks to the terrified performers. "Tell the police to pick up the trash they left out." He then turns to the beaten man, "Your days of kidnapping people and terrorizing citizens are over. We are coming for you and your freak friends." The man in the hoodie walks back from where he appeared, and the video cuts off.   Cynthia continues, "FBI Director Kane responded to this incident in a recent press conference."   Video transitions to Director Jacob Kane behind a podium. "I would like to first assure the citizens of New York we along with local law enforcement are working hard to keep you safe. The recent slappers distribution bust is just a recent example of our efforts. We appreciate your involvement in terms of providing tips through the crime stoppers helpline and contacting law enforcement whenever your safety in in jeopardy or are witnessing a crime. For your safety we remind you to not directly involve yourself in apprehending suspects directly as it can contaminate evidence and result in your personal injury or worse. Any individual found partaking in unlawful actions including vigilantism, will receive appropriate legal consequences.   In response to the reports of people demonstrating unusual powers or abilities. We ask you to leave it to the authorities to deal with. We investigate these incidents to determine the validity of these claims. Many of the reports are fabrications of individuals seeking attention. I would like to remind everyone that knowingly making a false report is a crime. Should a report be determined to be authentic, leave it to us to deal with them. Once apprehended; our intention is to provide these individuals the support and care to treat these...conditions, with the hope of rehabilitating them into productive members of society. Groups such as the SBT only encourage a sense of panic and harming individuals who deserve our sympathy and not brutality. Thank you."   Cynthia looks to the camera smiling. "When we return from our break, we will see a young girl reunited with her family pet after 6 weeks and a move across state lines."


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