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Bloodsand Valley

A dry, scorching wind blows loose grit across this expanse of brown sand and reddish stone. Scattered outcroppings of dark, rust-red basalt rise from the baked earth, and dunes of loose sand grow and shift on their windward sides. Journeying across the region, keen-eyed travelers can spot the occasional ridge of earth slicing across the landscape, as if something had been burrowing just beneath the surface.   The region holds a distinctively unnatural feature: a twisting line of blotchy grey stone almost a mile wide that seems to be unaffected by wind or erosion, standing a few feet above the surrounding sands. It winds from the border of the Riverwild southeast across the sands and ends at an abandoned fortification nestled in the hills on the valley’s southern edge (dubbed the Ant Castle after its verminous residents). Walking atop the grey stretch for any significant time causes vague feelings of unease and discomfort that escalate into violent paranoia if a creature should spend days or weeks within the area’s influence. Mundane mounts and pack animals begin to balk and attempt to turn back soon after entering the area, and wild beasts won’t approach within a hundred feet of it unless under extreme duress.
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Cover image: by Alexander Pohl


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