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Mana is a Lemurian belief that attempts to explain the supernatural and the strange that is found throughout The Boundless Expanse.


Lemurian scholars will assert that, throughout the Boundless Expanse, an invisible energy known as Mana flows. In small quantities, it does nothing, but in higher concentrations it is known to produce strange and chaotic effects.   Mana is present in everyone in varying concentrations, which explains why some individuals can produce stronger strange effects.

Historical Basis

Many strange artifacts and people can only evoke powers a limited amount of times before having to rest. Mana explains this phenomenon by stating that mana is consumed or exerted to evoke these powers. Mana from the environment must be gathered in order to use these powers again.   Psychic Wind is explained as large concentrations of mana moving throughout the world.

Cultural Reception

To many Lemurians, mana is considered a fact of life, and denial is considered ignorant and unsophisticated.

In Literature

The Mana Fallacy is a highly controversial piece of literature that attempts to disprove the concept of mana.
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