BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 6

General Summary

From the journals of

Alexa & Doarph

  • During Thalorin's restless night, he decided to investigate the thrumming stone. Sadly nothing new was learned.

  • The trap Bramble & Alexa set up caught a wolverine. Doarph put it out of its misery and the party decided to take the wolverine carcass with them.

  • The following morning, the thrumming stone was dormant.

  • The party heads Northeast into a meadow.

  • The party heads further, Northwest into into a forest, and is met with freezing cold downpour. The party takes shelter.

  • While setting up camp in the dark, Thalorin noticed that something was off; detecting some kind of large birdlike creature that was most likely hostile. The creature was at least as big as a horse.

  • Thalorin tossed out the wolverine carcass as bait quickly returning to join the party under the camouflaged tent tarp.

  • After the monster (identified as most likely a Griffin) finished its meal it paced around and the party was almost detected, but luckily the large beast flew off.

  • During the second watch, something made of metal crashed into our hiding place out of nowhere. This metal object turned out to be an Animated Skeleton wearing metal armor.

  • The party crawled out of their tent to address the threat and just as the skeleton was about to be vanquished a second skeleton showed up. The party swiftly dispatched of both of them.

  • Investigating the skeletons tells the party that they were brandishing ancient equipment and armor made of tarnished bronze. Bramble reckons the equipment could be well over a thousand years old.

  • After their disturbed rest, the party decides to continue traveling Northeast through the cold and without sleep.

  • Luckily, the weather seemed to clear up a bit as the party finds themselves in a trampled meadow resembling a perpetual battlefield. In the distance some kind of strange earthen mound is seen in not far in the distance.

  • Hobble and Bramble set out to investigate the mound, while the rest sets up the camp and recovers from the cold.

  • Having approached the mound, it became clear that a thorn-covered earth and stone wall ran around in a circle. Strange, ominous whispers reverberated in the thick air.

  • Scouting the perimeter wall, they discovered some kind of circular stone archway covered in an unknown script. As they got closer to the gate, the whispers got louder.

  • Inside, numerous headstones form a moss-covered labyrinth, flanked by two burial mounds. Beyond lies a larger burial mound with antechamber, continuing onwards.

  • Hobble had a quick look inside, yet no evil-looking amulet nor midnight bloom were detected, though luckily there were no animated skeletons either.

  • The party decided to set up camp early to sleep through the rest of the day, distant whispers still faintly audible in the distance.

  • While Bramble and Hobble were scouting ahead, Alexa and Doarph set out to gather firewood.

  • Doarph curiously found some very neatly stacked wood on the floor and grabs it without hesitation only to find out there was a yellow-eyed fey creature wearing a tall cap hiding underneath.

  • The creature (identified as possibly a Redcap), being very unamused, cursed Doarph with paralysis while the redcap helped themselves to Doarph's belongings. His blanket and mace were pilfered along with all of his food.

  • Alexa also had a stroke of bad luck and found some wood that was infested with parasites, contracting a type of mites in the process.

  • Bramble, after returning from the mound, headed out to set up some traps and stumbles upon the paralyzed Doarph. Bramble helped him out through magical means, and then proceeded setting up traps. Sadly, the firewood was nowhere to be seen.

  • Bramble also helped out Alexa with her parasite problem by asphyxiating the parasites with honey in combination with smoke from the campfire.

  • The party finally gets a comfortable rest and is ready to explore the Sepulcher of the Forsaken the next day.

Missions/Quests Completed

Alexa & Doarph
1 XP (truthful notekeeping)
1 XP (hosting session)
Adventure start date
2nd day of the 6th moon, 724 A.C.
Adventure end date
5th day of the 6th moon, 724 A.C.
Report Date
03 Sep 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters


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