Homura Kurogane Character in BFS Divers RP World | World Anvil
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Homura Kurogane

Hot-headed and determined are just a few words that can be used to describe Homura.   As a kid, he was a very shy and timid boy, not resembling his current self at all. Once he got into Gundam, it led to building Gunpla and playing Gunpla Battle. Despite still being very meek, he tried his best, usually with unimpressive results. This all changed during the Limiter Incident, where he, along with the entire world watched the Build Fighters battle against Neo Nemesis for the future of Gunpla Battle. Watching this battle inspired him to better himself and become a stronger, braver person and fight for others the same way the Build Fighters fought for people like him. Although he is inspired by people like Ezekiel McDaniel , Andy Loveless , and Alex King , he does not place them on a pedestal, instead working towards getting on their level, if not, surpassing them, while incorporating some of them into his own style. He fights with a mix of moves he's seen with a bit of his own twist as well as his own moves. He regrets not being able to help a close friend of his, as she disappeared after an incident between the both of them. He was scouted for his unorthodox style of fighting which still manages to confuse and even surprise people. Now in the Academy, he continues to train and grow stronger, help those who are in need, and enjoy himself with every battle. In contrast to his brother Yuki Kurogane, he dislikes individuals with a kill-or-be-killed mentality and desires to change their views as a way to redeem himself for not being able to save his brother. Despite this, he holds no ill will against his brother and wishes for Yuki to join him. He gets along best with people with similar mindsets, and always tries to make friends whenever he can. Homura also has a soft spot for cute animals, such as bunnies, guinea pigs, and dogs (specifically Schnauzers).   Despite the fact that there is more to him than meets the eye, one thing is for sure: He can never say no to a bowl of ramen.
Mobile Suit
ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam (Destroyed)
SCMF-X28S Scarlet Strider Gundam   House
White Tiger    Age

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