Bounty Hunter's League


There is the Chief Administrator and their counsel who are in charge of the entire organization and below them are their are administrators who are in charge of managing each base across Bi'Terra and below them are Recruiters and handlers and Receptionists; Recruiters go out and post bounty posters across Bi'Terra where it is requested by local governments, Handlers are like the sidekicks/assistants of Bounty Hunters providing their servitude to help aiding Bounty Hunters catch their Bounties, and Receptionists help with paperwork and to give the official title of bounty hunter to people via document and badge and to also provide bounties based on ranking and band size to bounty hunters.


Many bounty hunter's within the organization either have a criminal past and that they finally have found a legal use for or trying to gain their freedom or received their freedom, or citizens who no longer want crime to spread rampant around their villages, towns, or cities. Therefore the culture depends on which bounty hunter or groups of bounty hunters you meet.

Public Agenda

To cleanse the land from crime or to generate income by hunting bounties that are put out by the government of their region or bounties put out by the private sector: most of the time citizens who need something done without their hands getting dirty.


The B.H.L has many donors from local governments especially from the Qualzonian Empire, and they have many bases across Bi'Terra. At least one stable at every base for around 4-8 horses and they also have a couple ports for their ships to sail across Bi'Terra's oceans. They have many privileges amongst the legal side of governments and are well known to have many powerful artifacts kept in the capital base's vault in case of an attack.


They were founded in the 90th year of the 9th era  a couple months after the Great Phoenix was slain as a way to honor the death of "Jager the Brave" and to ensure peace across the world, getting their hands dirty when others won't do it. For many eras the organization was very local reaching out only to the northern and southern regions of Samora with only one base established on Degora in the Mountain Kingdom, until King Maximus had greatly funded them and sent many prisoners who won their freedoms in his coliseum to have the opportunity to become bounty hunters hunting down criminals and other traitors of the Kingdom; (soon to be Empire). Now they have many established bases across the globes within the same area as Qualzonian embassies and have become a greatly popular alternative for former soldiers and other law abiding citizens to join to protect their communities from evil and get paid for doing it.

Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap!

Founding Date
90th year of the 9th Era
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Training Level
Bounty Hunter
Government System
The B.H.L has their own unique platinum coins in the shape of a triangle with their logo stamped with the local governments emblem stamped on the other side. It is used for merchants who have special contracts with the B.H.L to commision the craft of weapons and armor or to purchase weapons and armor of the highest degree and even weapons and armor that are experimental and potentially advanced such as the "Gatling Crossbow" which is a crossbow that shoots many bolts with a gatling barrel making basically almost automatic as long as you rotate the lever , "The Knife Dart" which is a knife that fires from the pommel and even enchanted weapons and armor that are one of a kind to bounty hunters and only to bounty hunters.
Related Species


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