Gorod Tsarya


since the city is in between two large rivers, they can destroy/remove the bridges that connect to land so that invaders would have a much harder time invading the city. they also have emergency fortresses to house non-soldiers during an invasion.

Industry & Trade

there largest industry is silver, since their territories have many silver ore deposits everywhere.


there are three districts, the Golden, Silver, and Copper: the golden district is where all government members are dwelling(the Tsar, Governors, Counselors, Generals and ambassadors), the silver district is where the middle class society dwells, and the copper district is where the lower income/lower class population dwells, it is not as fancy or wealthy as the other districts.


The city was founded when the Zikaks, Vigtaks and the Nektaks arrived on the shores of southern sitora and journeyed down the river until they saw a large "island" in between two rivers that was perfect to build upon and so they did and built a large stone bridge to cross the rivers onto mainland.


it is very slavic themed in design. they also use white and gold for their color schemes.


it is on a large space of land that is in between two large rivers.

Natural Resources

water, silver, wood, stone
Founding Date
10 10E-15 10E
Alternative Name(s)
Rechnoy Gorod (River City)
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization


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