School of nature magic

The school of nature magic is the ability to be one with nature; speak to the fowl, beasts and creepeth things of the world, be at peace with mighty serpents and fierce dragons, speak with and understand the wisdom of the trees and it's roots, learning history from the eyes of the clouds and to protect it from those who oppose nature and it's inhabitants. This is not done by forcing one's will but by giving the recipient a choice whether or not to serve the user of nature magic; nature shall look into the user's very soul and see whether or not he is true and pure in heart and his intentions are honorable and innocent. this school of magic requires mastery of one's own soul and is used by one's own soul by meditation and discipline and focus of and in nature itself.


able to communicate with nature; the beasts, fowl, creepeth things and the trees and the clouds and the wind, the fish in the sea and all that is on Bi'Terra.

Side/Secondary Effects

If nature finds the user to not be true and pure in his intentions, nature will strike down the user and not listen until the user is pure and just in his ways.


One that uses this school of magic will notice a huge enhance of their senses and even feel the worms that crawl within the ground, the ants as they speak with one another, see the sight from those that call the sky home and even smell the scent of those from miles away.


it can only be performed from the power within one's own soul.
Material Components
Spell books are not much use and are only to communicate simple tasks with nature, like asking a deer to guide the way back to civilization.
Related School
The Nine schools of magic
Applied Restriction
this school of magic is quite unheard amongst the general population but college professors, other masters of any school of magic and kings know of its existence. there is only one law for this school of magic that is commonly used: do not use this magic to attack a settlement or it's inhabitants.

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