The Paradine Isles


It is a group of five islands that span west from Paradine and up to Qualzonia and are very rocky instead of sand, and has a couple mountains on some the islands which pour out fresh water from fountains that stick out of the sides of the mountains into the ocean, on the largest island there is a small lake that is near the center next to the mountain that is said to be a location of gold deposits and silver too.

Fauna & Flora

the typical wildlife that is found on the islands are pine trees, trouts, bass, bears, deers, falcons, snails, squirrels and wild pigs.

Natural Resources

wood, fur, meat, berries, stone, gold and silver


it was occupied by the Paradine kingdom during the exploration era of the kingdom but was conquered by the Qualzonians during wartime and became Qualzonian territory.
Alternative Name(s)
The west colonies of Qualzonia
Location under
Owning Organization
Contested By


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