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Wanda Maximoff

Wanda Lehnsherr- Maximoff (a.k.a. Scarlet Witch)

When Wanda and her twin are 10, their adoptive father discovered they held a specific genetic anomaly that was a meta.  He thought it would allow her to better react to their experiments.  Marya protested.  She'd known what happened to previous experiments (she worked there as cleaning).     Wanda heard them arguing in the evening.  She heard Marya try to protect them from their (foster)father.  She packed her things and kept them under her bed.  One day, as soon as her father left for work, her mother packed up her things, sending her children to also do so.  They ran but Django was on his way and gave chase.  They met up with Sam Wilson and Riley Tiercel and while Sam took both children, Riley took Marya.  But Django was furious and set off the infitiny stone, catching all 6 of them in the blast.  Django, Marya and Riley were killed.  Sam, Wanda and Pietro were sent swirling out of hte sky, but landed with a few bumps and bruises.  Al three had to hike out of hte valley and to safe signaling location.  Along the way they bonded and all three developed abilities.   Wanda tried to negotiate with Sam's supervisor, mentally communicating with Sam asking for help.  Sam reached out to the Meta council and reported the illegal holding of meta minors.  Tony butted in, bringing in Charles, who spoke with Wanda and Pietro.  Marya had given Wanda a drive with all the information she was to use as trade for their freedom.  Charles and Wanda discussed her use of telepathy in the negotiations to protect herself and her brother.  She also mentioned Erik Lehnsherr that her mother mentioned.  She handed the information over to Sam upon him believing the deal she was agreeing to was real.   Charles found and brought Erik to see them.  Erik begged the pair for a chance to be a father.  They three of them moved in with the X-Men.  Charles and Erik rekindled a long dormant romantic relationship during this time.  Additionally, Charles requested Agatha meet and evaluate the twins for their abilities.  Later Agatha became Wanda's main teacher in magic.   Shortly after the LifePartner Legislation, Wanda, Pietro and Erik were in New York City for a vacation when she happened to be near Tony when he both had his telepathic protection off and he went through a panic attack. She instinctively tried to help and ended up with all of Tony's memories in her mind. She became Catatonic as Pietro and Erik got her back to the hotel and called Agatha. She helped Wanda deal with the mass of memories, telling her that she must never tell a soul, even Tony unless Tony required it.

Wanda and Jean also became good friends, helping each other with Telepathy.  At one point, when practicing, Wanda noticed a foreign mental barrier in Jeans mind.  Charles noticed her attention and intervened before she could speak with Jean.  He explained how dangerous Jean's latent abilities were and the block he'd placed and then hid form Jean.  When Wanda pointed out that she would be unable to hide this type of knowledge from Jean, her partner in Telepathic practice, Charles said he would simply erase her knowledge of it.  Wanda sent a tight message and warning to her brother before her mind was tampered with.  Pietro helped her remember and the two ran to Sam Wilson's home.   Eventually Erik would catch up and facilitate Wanda and Charles to speak of Wanda's fears and her scolding that Jean was now an adult and Charles did not have the right to make this choice for her.  Wanda and Pietro would later return with Erik to X-Mansion.   She eventually became the fabled Scarlet Witch.  She also had the ability to communicate with all the infinity stones when they were nearby.  She had a particular affinity for Mental Entity or the Mind Stone

Physical Description

Special abilities

Telepathy, telekinesis, magical affinity, and protection.  She also has a unbreakable bond with Pietro Maximoff.

She is the fabled Scarlet Witch.  This is an ancient legend of a chaos magic user.  Wanda has the ability of creation and reality manipulation as the Scarlet Witch, powers exceeding even the Sorceror Supreme.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Charles returned to North America upon the death of his mother, Erik traveled north to rejoin the Romani and met Natalya. She was part of a coven.  But Natalya died giving birth to the twins Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Erik couldn't stand to raise the twins. Natalya's sister, Marya, had found, married and now lived in Sokovia with her husband Django. Erik left the babies with them, checking in now and then. But he dropped contact when the kids were about 4 years old.  The children didn't really remember him as more than a family friend.   They grew up in a small home.  Wanda and Pietro spent their childhood running around outside the town.  They knew the area like the back of their hand.


Wanda had a fondness for literature and poetry, going so far to write her own.  Due to her exposure to telepathy and people's reactions to her telekinesis, Wanda eventually went to college to study Psychology.


Wanda decided Masters of Mystic Arts was too structured for her and focused on working with the covens.  But she and Stephan Strange often worked together in magical activities once he became the Sorceror Supreme

Mental Trauma

Her foster parents both died when her foster father tried to submit her and her brother for experimentation.   She also learned of her other self from Tony's perspective, not a nice view


Wanda Maximoff

Ally (Vital)

Towards Tony Stark



Tony Stark

Close Ally (Important)

Towards Wanda Maximoff




When Wanda and Pietro arrived in the US, Tony fought for their freedom and called in Charles, which led to Erik finding them.   Wanda also has all of Tony's memories of a previous life as of 2005.  She supports him and doesn't press her presence on him out of respect for the trauma her counter part inflicted on him.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The other timeline

Pietro Maximoff

Twin Brother (Vital)

Towards Wanda Maximoff



Wanda Maximoff

Twin Sister (Vital)

Towards Pietro Maximoff




The twins grew up practically inseparable.  When Wanda's magical abilities appear, they are telepathically bonded and in constant communication.

Shared Secrets

They know everything about each other

Current Location
Year of Birth
1990 5 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Natalya Lehnsherr died giving birth to the twins
Parents (Adopting)
Pietro Maximoff (Twin Brother)
Quotes & Catchphrases
In brightest day, In darkest Night
Failure not within my sight
Crimson will guard you from your fright
Revel in Scarlet protective Light
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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