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Party Events

  • 1984

    27 March

    Zanth is born
    Life, Birth

    Second child of Zynnia and Valerian Glimmerbeak, formerly Chrysanthemum.

    Additional timelines
  • 1985

    19 February

    Swan is born
    Life, Birth

    Only child of Haigha and Grisha Gusev, formerly Balgdana.

    Additional timelines
  • 1993

    21 May

    Reina is born
    Life, Birth

    Child of Sadelia Thasie (the wife of council member Condryn Favyr) and, secretly, Felix Everett.

    Additional timelines
  • 1993

    28 December

    Dirk is born
    Life, Birth

    Child of Cassia and Daniel Knifely, technically Acantha Knifely.

    Additional timelines
  • 1996

    Zanth meets patron
    Life, Supernatural

    Chrysanthemum begins trying to repair a strange device they found in the Northlake forest.

    Additional timelines
  • 2000

    Swan runs away
    Life, Relocation

    Balgdana leaves her night hag mother to make her way to Black Creek.

    Additional timelines
  • 2000


    Zanth runs away
    Life, Relocation

    Chrysanthemum is caught with their mysterious technological device; after being punished they overhear discussion of banishment and decide to leave on their own.

    Additional timelines
  • 2000


    Dirk is orphaned
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Cassia and Daniel Knifely die in what is assumed to be a potion-making accident. She moves in with Druid Dave.

    Additional timelines
  • 2005


    Zanth blows up a classroom
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    In attempting to build a secret project, Zanth blows up a classroom at the University of Livingston and is banned from campus.

  • 2005


    Bird fight
    Life, Relationship change

    Zanth and Swan stop talking (for eight years)

  • 2010

    Edith finds K41N
    Life, Supernatural

    Edith Grimskull finds a damaged stone construct washed up on the beach and decides to repair it.

    Additional timelines
  • 2013

    15 November

    Campaign Events Begin
    Era beginning/end

    Ruth Valdani begins blackmailing our heroes(?)

    Additional timelines
  • 2013

    27 November

    Zanth joins the party
    Life, Organisation Association

    Zanth is blackmailed into helping the team by Ruth Valdani, and also reunites with Swan.

  • 2013

    27 November 18:00

    Ama Book Heist
    Criminal Activity

    The party steals a book from the library in Ama for Ruth Valdani, is betrayed by their contact Luciano, and later bring her the book at Swan's first performance at Valdani Theatre.

  • 2013

    28 November

    Apartment break-in
    Criminal Activity

    The party breaks into Ruth Valdani's appartment while she's out of town, find her wife's evidence of her cheating with her assistant Clara, and find emails between her and Moltsis Szazti planning to steal records from the Disciples.

  • 2013

    28 November 18:00

    Northlake visit

    The party disguises themselves to visit the Disciples, and are found out and attacked by Sylia Liefal. Swan reveals their changeling form, Zanth is shot by her sister, the party escapes with record books.

  • 2013

    28 November 20:00

    K41N vision - Jacob
    Life, Supernatural

    K41N has a vision of Jacob asking to be found before crumbling like a statue

  • 2013

    29 November 03:00

    Haigha possession
    Life, Supernatural

    Zanth stays in Swan's apartment and sees her briefly become possessed by her Night Hag mother

  • 2013

    29 November 12:00

    New heist orders
    Criminal Activity

    Ruth Valdani, seemingly upset about the books stolen from Northlake, orders the party to steal something unspecified from Condryn Favyr's desk during his campaign dinner party.

  • 2013

    1 December

    Magic detector heist
    Criminal Activity

    Zanth, with help from most of the party, steals a magic decector from the Black Creek courthouse, intending to build a device to prevent Swan being possessed.

  • 2013

    2 December 03:00

    Haigha possession (take two)
    Life, Supernatural

    Haigha briefly possesses Swan, who using her vision is able to see red-and-green-fire magical nooses around everyone in the party except K41N.

  • 2013

    2 December 04:00

    Delilah break-in

    The Northlake city council member breaks into Edith's home to interrogate the party over book theft, finds herself able to do magic around K41N, and calls him 'Gabriel' before making a retreat.

  • 2013

    2 December 16:00

    Favyr Campaign Party
    Political event

    The party attends an event at the Favyr household, discovers Condryn's Contract with Elvina Eventus, and escape (with Hurk's help) while the Favyrs are suddenly arrested in a police raid set up by Moltsis, except Athel who is rescued by the party.

  • 2013

    2 December 17:00

    Hag Dream - "rip out her soul"
    Life, Supernatural

    Swan, while asleep in Hurk's pocket dimension, has a dream in which her mother tells her to kill Ruth Valdani.

  • 2013

    2 December 19:00

    Hostage situation
    Life, Crime

    Ruth Valdani kidnaps family and friends of the party - the Rosettas and Edith, as well as attacking Taffetia. She uses them as mind-controlled hostages when the party confronts her.

  • 2013

    2 December 20:00

    Ruth Valdani dies
    Life, Death

    Valdra city council member Ruth is killed by the party.

    Additional timelines
  • 2013

    2 December 23:00

    Hag Dream - Dirk's deal
    Life, Supernatural

    Dirk has a dream in which Haigha offers her information and protection in exchange for staying near Swan.

  • 2013

    3 December 23:00

    Hag Dream - parents and children
    Life, Supernatural

    Dirk has a dream in which Haigha reveals a connection to dirk to Dirk's father, and a childhood illness of Swan's.

  • 2013

    4 December

    Swan Meet & Greet
    Life, Publicity

    Swan hosts a meet & greet event at the Crownhill Mall. Moltsis attends to make vague threats against Swan. Alex attends to show off a new-found interest in technology.

  • 2013

    5 December 08:00

    Captured by Jahannas Vonalath

    The party is teleported to jail by the Queen of Ama, and interrogated over the book heist. It is revealed that her ambassador is partly mind controlling her, with the help of Hurk. The party tries to help her and a fight ensues.

  • 2013

    5 December 12:00

    Khorvos Davorath dies
    Life, Death

    Ama ambassador/city council member Khorvos is killed by the party.

    Additional timelines
  • 2013

    5 December 13:00

    Mother Magdalene revives Jahannas Vonalath
    Religious event

    Magdalene makes a personal appearance to help K41N revive the Queen of Ama, consuming an item important to Swan for power. She apologises to K41N, Zanth, and Dirk, and tells K41N to look for his family.

  • 2013

    5 December 15:00

    The party meets Natalia Vonalath

    K41N meets Natalia, mother of Gabriel, who appears to have been K41N's former life. Her mind is scrambled and she beleives her family is still alive. Elvina speaks to her, to warn her off talking to the party.

  • 2013

    5 December 22:00

    Hag Dream - Elvina's offer
    Life, Supernatural

    Dirk has a dream in which Haigha reveals a connection to Elvina.

  • 2013

    5 December 23:00

    Dream - Zanth's Christmas adventure
    Life, Supernatural

    Zanth has a Christmas-themed dream in which Elvina warns her not to trust Haigha.