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Keiko Rayn

Keiko Rayn

"No matter the cost, I will help. You're fighting for the fallen and for those who had their families stolen from them by a mad man. There is no doubt. You have my wing.
  Keiko is a Snowy Owlkin who has skills in healing and scouting.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Keiko is well kept and fairly thin, mainly due to his scouting missions which kept him fit and cardio-ready. His body consists of white feathers due to being an Owlkin variation. A small grey beak rests on his face with black quils running down his back and sides. His eyes are surprsingly soft for that of a stern bird's usual style of eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Two glorious wings are folded behind him- which used to be used for flight and advanced scouting. However know they are wounded and scarred beyond use. And no amount of attempts of healing the wound has restored his ability to fly.

Special abilities

Despite not being able to fly with the wings, they do act as a buffet against the wind when falling from height. As well as his build granting him more agile movement and his eyes granting him night vision.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Keiko was born in Virkhagen itself. During his younger years he was moved around between the snowy villages and towns as his parents moved around away from the more...dramatic areas of the colony, especially since their son had developed a rather worrying and potentially exploitable gift, along side a nasty curse.   A good few years later, when Keiko came to adulthood, against the wishes of his family, he needed to use his powers for good, despite the harm it brought him. So he moved back to Virkhagen to act as a healer and cleric. He stuck to traditional methods of healing rather than using his unique gift. He was smart enough to keep that to himself. Instead, he ran a Cleric's Hut, handing out potions and natural remedies.   In his time here, he came to meet the one known as Mabel Walker through offering up some potions for her use...some healing and some to help the boredom. He grew close to her as a friend and she happened to be the one and only person outside of her family, he would utter his secret too, about his true capacity to heal. This would later come very important with what was to come...   As soon as Keiko heard of the devastation of Aremore, and the stories from Mabel- he knew his stance. He knew his role. Fight for his friends and fight for what's right. The end people and supported being burned was horrific and he would do what he could to help. And so he joined with Mabel.   In the same battle that wounded Mabel heavily, Keiko had attempted to heal her- but as he attended her wounds on the the process he was struck horrifically across the back, tearing a chunk from his wings that rendered him unconscious. Days past, and when he eventually awoke from his injury...not only was he mortified to hear that his wings weren't fixable, or that he couldn't heal them himself...but Mabel was gone. After he failed to figure out how to heal his wings, an infection developed, which led to him needing to have the remaining rebels hurryingly amputate them off. With the current order to retreat and fall back after Mabel's disappearance, he didn't even have time to retrieve the severed wings. Their location now lost to the war.   It was a tough time after the Fall of Jaisalmer but eventually talks of help from @Ephyrae were heard, and soon not only did they arrive, but so did the return of his friend. He still hasn't asked her to this day, but he is still worried about the rumour that she lost one of her lives that day...and really hadn't much time to talk to her at all up to present day.   After some time, the battle was won. And with Mabel's victory so came a new era for Keiko. Not only was the fighting over...he got an interesting job offer from the new Queen...


He's about to find out...

Accomplishments & Achievements

Working with Mabel to secure the rebellion's victory over Hans.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failing to heal or potentially save Mabel at the battle where she was wounded- and being wounded himself in the process.

Mental Trauma

Having his wings taken from him...his fear or being exploited for his power...and his failure to save people in time. These weigh heavy on his mind.

Morality & Philosophy

Everyone deserves a chance to be good and to be helped.

Personality Characteristics


What motivates Keiko is the want for everyone to be safe. For everyone to live in a world where there isn't a looming worry of something going wrong or someone being hurt. A world where people are kind and warm. That everyone is comfortable and healthy. Where he can live knowing he doesn't have to check that someone isn't watching him...every time he turns a corner. He will help where he can.

Likes & Dislikes

Keiko is fond of the cold due to his warm feathered body and warm clothing. As well as his aptitude for healing and scouting- he also is...what can only be described as...a huge nerd. He likes all things nerdy and interesting. An old rock that fell from a battlement. A shell from an insect long gone. Its all so wonderous to him.   He dislikes tension or worry. Anxiety being high on his mind leaves him to feeling uneasy when things get tense or akward. He also hates people getting too...analytic of himself.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite knowing he's cursed to be weak...he will still put himself in harm's way to help someone, even if its not the smart play.


Contacts & Relations

Close friends with Mabel Walker

A friend to many and an aid to all- Keiko was raised in Virkhagen and the surrounding areas all his life. A Snowy-Owlkin granted a blessing to help those in need, while cursed to be unable to help himself, he is always here for his friends.

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Current Location
Date of Birth
2nd of March, -17 BBED
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White Feathered

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