
Kohaku is the second the most populated settlement in The Fox Empire, located in the western region of the country, neary the coast of the Central Sea. Ccommonly granted with an autonomy and is the cultural center of the Kohakujin ethnic group. After the establishemnt of the Shogunate system, it became the seat of power of The Western Shogun. Known for the mercantile presence in the sea and colonising the Yama region.


Population consists mostly of the Kohakujin, with some foreign population present. There is much bigger proportion of the inhabitant involved in the mercantile activities and eterprises than in the ofther Fox Empire cities, it's common among both nobles and free people alike. There is also bigger number of slaves present, usually as the servants in the household, often imported from the other countries and making up a big chunk of the foreign popuation there.


During the Tribal period, it became the capital settlement of one of the Kitsune trbies since it's founding due to it's great location. In this period, the tribal leaders were in charge.   After the disbandment of the tribes in the Province period, it received the autonomy as the Free city of Kohku, not being governed by the Gorneror, but by itself. During this period, the most prominanet organisation that ended up in charge was the association of merchants from the local noble famliies.   When Shogunate system was implemented, Kohaku became the center of the Capital District of the Western Region and therefore, it became governed by the Western Shogun.


Primarily defence comes freom the fact that the city itself is located in quite narrow peninsula. The most effort if focused on building walls preventing invasion from the sea, together with cooperation with the other settlements on the peninsula.    THere are a lot of mercecenary cmopanies present, together with the forces of the Western Shoguns.


There are canals build, leading to the bay in the Central Sea, serving as the access for the merchants and to the rest of the settlements in the Western Region.

Points of interest

Temple of the Lord of Storms - the most prominent temple in the country dedicated to that god. Priests from there are waering white and blue robes. One of the rituals performed by them is Smoke Blessing of the Storm.


Placed in the narrow penninsula, with the closest coast being part of the bay in the Central sea.


Moderate climate, humid.
Warmer than most of the country due the influence of the sea currents. Summer temperatures: between 30 and 38 Celcius Winter temperatures:between -5 and 10 Celcius

Natural Resources

Contains the big amber deposits, which gave the city it's name.
Founding Date
88 year of the Jade Era
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Urban Kohakujin
Related Traditions


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