
Kohakujin are a subgroup of Kitsune Folk , inhabiting Western Region of The Fox Empire, named after the city of Kohaku , which is the most influential city for this culture. They are the most prominent of the Kistune on the waters of the Central Sea, known as renown traders. They have conquered and settled the Yama region located on the other side of the Central Sea, those living there became kown as Yamajin .   They ressemble what is written in Kitsune Folk article, with those details taken into the account:
  • Kohakujin are the descendent of one specific tribe of the Kitsune, as the reult their genetic makeup was less diverse than that of the Hisuijin and they have nearly exclusively black hair.
  • Worship of the Lord of Storms plays more important role in their society than that of the rest of Kitsune, due to him becoming a patron of trade and sailing for them.
  • Trade and sailing are more prominent with trading organisation playing more important role in their politics.
  • Significant part of the population works in the mining sector, due to huge reseources of jade and amber.
  • They have some liguistic influence of the Sea Language of Neakhora Phili / Pracya Jata as the result of the contact with their traders.

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