
As seen in
God from the Creation Dynasty, one of the main ones worshipped in The Fox Empire as the one one commanding storms, clouds and snow.   He's rather reclusive and prefers keeping his things as private. Despite his importance for the citizen of The Fox Empire, he was showing publicly and was involved in important events relatively rarely until his association with Morino Katashi   It's worth to note that his worship among the Kitsune Folk is widespread and, unlike The Fox Goddess , larelgy unorganised. Therefore any details reffering to how he is religiously perceived, with what customs he's essociated with etc. are only reflecting the general trends among the population.   He has many titles. The most notable being: "The One Who Commands Storms and Blizzards", "the Great One", "The Crop-giver" and, among the Kohakujin , "The Lord of Storms"

Divine Domains

Among the Hisuijin: Storms, snow, blizzards, rains, winds, weather (of all kind), agriculture Among the Kohakujin: Storms, punishment of wrong-doers, winds, sailing, agriculture, weather(extreme)


The Sun's Judgement - Divine weapon, an axe which allows for the user to create beams of light and heat.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

There is variety of symbols present, but they are far from universal since largely unorganised nature of the worship of him. Among the most common is the emblem of thunderbolt, silver is commonly used as the Holy Metal and color blue can be often spotten among the priests of him


  • 11th day of the First Autumn - in the lands of the Fox Empire, the harvest usually start around that date, therefore the public celebration dedicated to the agriculture gods is held, primarily in the more prominent villages. The first day is dedicated to the Fox Goddess, but commonly, the next day - 11th day of the month, is about the role of the Raiden-Yuki. During those ceremonies, people are giving out to the poor and needing the renmants of the older produce, often going fasting before the new harvest will arrive (this custom is naturally not followed if there is a risk of famine). While celebrations dedicated to the Fox goddess involve singing, those related to Raiden-Yuki are similar but different. They tend to involve reciting peoms and storytellings.
  • 2nd day of the First Spring month - in the lands of the Fox Empire, the sowing is done around that date. Similar celebrations are held, focusing on the publically setting up lanters sybolising the triumph of the Sun over the nights of winter and having the pulic feasts. Despite the solar nature of the celebration, the feast of the similar customs is held the next day in dedication for the Raiden-Yuki, expecting the he will provide the rains needed for the crops.
  • During the Holiday Period, the celebrations in the cities are performed. Similar as the Fox Godddess ones, those celbrations involve public prayers in the temples, usually asking for help with surving upcoming winter. Many local rituals are performed in the various specific variants of the celbration, like Smoke Blessing of the Storm in the Kohaku.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Providing the prosperity for his followers by the means of his divine specialities

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

At the first glance, he looks like an old man of the Human . Surprisingly quite fit and physically able. Posses few features that make him distinguishable from the rest of humans.

Identifying Characteristics

Fox-like ears at the sides of his head, vibrant purple eyes, fox-like teeth

Special abilities

Manipulation of water, especially that in the air. This ability allows him to change the weather of the surroundings. Water not related to the air cause some issues for him, though.   Can move electrons to generate electricity.   Is known for his summonings of thunders and snow

Apparel & Accessories

He posses an enormous coat covering nearly whole of his body, and a hood that he uses to hide himself when going in the public.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Completly asexual. Feels no desire for sexual activities or for non-platonic relationships of any kind.

Morality & Philosophy

He mostly employes moral outlook typical for a god. He isn't much concrened with people as the individual, with the few  exceptions. Human politics mean little to him. He isn't concern if injutice or suffering happens to the people, treating that like the natural state of their species. That said, there are few ares in which he feels that he can actively help humans in his country of residence and he is actually doing that by providing the support related to the weather and the climate. For the Kitsune Folk, he is like a bystander leaving food for the stray dogs. It's also worth to note that he takes human quirks into the account if he can actually interacting with them. While he himself tends to largely ignore following social cues, he knows that those human things are important to humans and therefore he has no issue to judge specific people for them. Ultimately, he mostly lives to himself, trying to find things he could call interesting.

Personality Characteristics


His main motivation seems to be searching interesting things in his life.

Likes & Dislikes

Raiden-Yuki is very fond of searching for intriguing things and collecting them in his Archive. The one could find various texts or objects, preserved yet tested. For Raiden-Yuki, the hobbies are his lifestyle. Most of his life is in one of two phases: outdoors and indoors. During outdoors phase he goes around searching for the interesting objects. During the indoor phase he closes himself in the Archive and enjoys things he managed to collect through this time.
  • Providing weather support
  • Searching the new and intriguing things
  • Testing new things in his private place
  • Going on an adventure
  • Spending time with his friends
  • Having to follow human society
  • The Fox Goddess
  • Humans who do terrible things for the other people (despite not caring enough to do anything about it)

Virtues & Personality perks

He can be genuinely supportive towards the ones who are friends to him. The individual humans who happened to become close to him, can be considered lucky, as his support is not limited just for the gods. Even, the shorter-living humans can count on him, if they are his friends. This might come to surpise given how for the most timehe barely cares about the humans as the group.   That said, he is genuine helper as a god and when it is related to weather conditions and people praying, he is willing to do things.   Most of the time he is understanding of where the others are coming from and his anger rarely comes off as aggressive. His first mean of dealing with the problems has always ben calling them out.   The one who has shown enough signs of not being worth of the Raiden-Yuki's trust will generally face his abandoment.

Vices & Personality flaws

The general lack of care for the individual human beings, unless he personally know them and decides to care, can be percieved as a serious flaw for the humans, though it can be considered something normal among god.   Despite his worship in the country being second only to the Fox Goddess, he takes little interests with things realting to that other than changing the weather when asked. He mostly lives like the gods without the followers. He's mostly  ignorant and dismissive towards the praise he gets from the people. This isn't caused by malice, only lack of interests (and it is not complete).   When confronted with troubles of personal matter, he tend to run from them, putting them in the back of his head, willingly ingoring them. However, those won't really disappear, only go deeper, waiting for the right moment to resurface. Moving on can be really hard for the Raiden-Yuki, despite him trying to pretend otherwise.


Family Ties


Morino Katashi

friend (Important)

Towards Raiden-Yuki




friend (Important)

Towards Morino Katashi



Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lord of Storms, The One Who Commands Storms and Blizzards, The Great One, The Crop-giver
Year of Birth
Vibant Purple
White, a bit short; long, red beard with moustache
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Undefined skin, white fur on the ears


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