
As seen in
Megumi was a woman from The Fox Empire of a peasant background, in the first half of thge 4th century of the Jade Era and serving directly under Morino Katashi in the years of his greatest influence.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Woman with pale skin, brown hair and eyes, big breasts and round shapes. In good physical condition with muscles visibly stronger than those of the higher-class women.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Megumi was born in a peasant family living in the Eastern Region of The Fox Empire, in the turn of the 4th century of the Jade Era. Her childhood was relatively happy, even if she lost the few siblings in the young age. Her family was always supportive, when she was growing up. She was trained in mutliple skills needed for the everyday life as a farmer. In this period she also discovered her passions like weaving or cooking. When she was starting considered to be adult, her household consisted of the mother, father, the older brother and a younger sister. The brother was thinking about a marriage and Megumi was supposed to soon follow. Thoughts about her future made her both nervous and expecting. She hoped for happy, simple life. She didn't mind much needed to work. It felt hard, but also fullfilling at the same time.   In the spring during the year 327 of the Jade Era, the war broke out between the Southern Shogun Morino Katashi and a Eastern Shogun. Megumi's older brother decided to hire himself as a soldier of the Western Army, hoping for improving of the social standing, despite the fact that the Western shogun was commonly hated. For the outsider it was clear that Morino Katashi would win rather easily unless another Shogun would intervene. The brother wasn't fully aware, however, as their village was placed in the remote location and happned to have more supporters of the Eastern Shogun than most of the region. He knew that their leader is not well liked, but he didn't have an opportunity to know just on which scale. There wasn't much clashes of th emilitary, as most of the Eastern Army was dereting, however a few happened. The brother was unlucky enough that he became one of the casualties in a war with surpisingly low ammount of them. Megumi's life moved on, but it was clear that things will be different from now on.   One day, she was spending few hours far from her home and when she came back she noticed that some Southern soldiers came there already, stealing what they got. When she approached she saw that both her parents and her younger sister were alreasdy massacred. Scared and shocked she surrendered. She was restrained and decided to be kept as a slave. The aggressors didn't manage to do much with her, however, as very quickly the soldiers were approached by the messenger of the higher commands. It was declared that actions against civilian populaiton are illegal and they were captured themselves. Megumi heard it all and hoped that she would be freed. That didn't happen, however. She was transered to the different people withing the Southern Army, kept under guard individually. No one tried to hurt her, but she still was a captive.   After some time, she was presented with the heads of the soldiers that attacked her home. It was explained that Morino Katashi doesn't tolerate behaviours like that in his army. Besides that, she was also infomred that he is in charge now in her home province. Everyone was still quiet about being freed. The only concrete answer was that her state was supposed to be temporary for the "safety reasons", but it was never elaborated what that meant.   Eventually, one day, she noticed that the place where she is kept seem to have a weak point, a hidden path she could run off. It didn't seem like they knew about it. After thinking about it, Megumi decided to run off. She felt badly about it a bit, since that might complicate things further for her is someone would find out and she really didn't like the iddea of making enemy out of someone who is both in charge and brought the justice on people who ruined her life. She diced, however that she cannot just passively wait and that she could try run away far away, trying to set up a life from anew. She had no place to come to, after all.   Evedntually, she entered a nearby forest. Soon after that, she come up with an indruder - an armed man. Initially she thought he is one of the guards who came after her, but he claimed to be a warrior resisting the Southern invader. After a quick exachnge of information, he propose her to join him in his outlaw life, sicne she is already on the run. Than, she realized that the consequences of her escape might be more severe than she hoped for. She didn't want to go deeper into that and she rejected his offer, saying she would try run away far from the Morino Katashi's rule and that she isn't seeking the resistance or being an outlaw, but she just wants to live her life. While afraid, she also told him that she regrets escaping after all, as she is not unsure about her future and they didn't seem to have desire of harming her. The warrior listened to her and just told her where she should go to simply moved away from the realm ruled now by the Southern Shogun. He also proposed her to have sleep in his camp, as the night was coming. She agreed.   In the morning, they were woke upby the incoming soldiers. They were the guards from the prison where Megumi was held. They escorted the warrior somewhere, saying Megumi that he will be executed. This was the last time she saw this man. She was now afraid of her own life, but she simply was escorted back into her prison, with only punishment for excpaing being kept in the worse conditions and being strongly slapped once in a cheek with a warning that there will be harsher consequences the next time.   After some time, she was finally taken from the prison. The decision was made to made her a personal slave of someone important. This important someone was none other than Morino KAtashi himself, the Southern shogun who brought the Eastern Region up to it's knees.



Intellectual Characteristics

While not receiving education unrelated for her daily work as a peasant, Megumi is quite smart and perceptive. Especially when it comes to noticing social relationships and everyday problems (including mathemathical ones).

Morality & Philosophy

She doesn't have much complicated philosophical thought, but most of it can be considered sort of conformist ones. Megumi first and foremost is concerned with having her life secured, any personal desires come seconds. THerefore, she is eager to follow social rules and acept her place in the hierarchy, even if she isn't personally fond of it.

Personality Characteristics


Megumi is self-centered person without much ambitions and desires on her own, except yearning for a simple life. However, she's able to shift her priorities if the situation needs it. She doesn't believe she would be able to change things much, but she knows if she cannot do anything about her current situation, she just needs to go on with it.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

As she was living as a peasant for the most of her life, she is skilled with manual tasks and the activities related to sustaining herself. Weaving, cooking, cleaning and many other tasks are perfectly natural to her. In fact, her cooking seem to be exceptional and her weaving is slightly above averaged. She also knows some dance moves, far from the ones practiced by the higher class, but she personally values that above those of the elite. Skilled with daily mathemathics.   She is unable to read or write.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Dance and music
  • Weaving (passion)
  • Cooking (passion)
  • Religious practices
  • Feasting with people she likes
  • Having someone she could rely on
  • Relaxing in a hot bath
  • Being exposed physically in front of the other people
  • Having her intimacy borders crossed
  • Being treated as the asset
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Natively: Kitsune language, with strong Central accent (specifically - Eastern Central accent)


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