Morino Katashi

As seen in

The Great Shogun Katashi Morino

Katashi of the family Morino is the political and military leader in The Fox Empire , living during the 4th century of the Jade Age. He is the most notable as the revolutionary, full of desire to change his country system to one he's seeing as just. Known for ambition and prowess, he's a highly divisive public figure even centuries after his death.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Morino Katashi is a muscular man of the top human shape. Despite, his musculature, however, he is surprisingly slim. Strong and agile.

Facial Features

Mostly shaved face, with the exception of the black mustache over his upper lips.

Apparel & Accessories

Can be often seen wearing blue kimono and white haori, together with the white socks and the geta sandals. On the battlefield, he wears an armor of the heavier type.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to the family Morino, in the Southern Region of The Fox Empire, during the Shogunate period In the first years of his life, his parents died early, his upbringing was done by his grandfather. During the childhood years, he was inspired by the stories of his guardian and it created the ambition for him, as weell as the respect for the millitary. While it was expected for each noblemen in able condition to be a potential participant in the military campaigns, in the age of 15 Morino Katashi decied to serve under the General of the local province during the peace as his employment. His job was involving law enforcement, initially only as the assistant of the lesser sheriff, later he got promoted to the position of the lesser sheriff himself.   When he reached the age of 20, he already was the favorite of his General due to his achievements, remarkable for his young age. In that time, the Southern Region became the target of the series of enemy raids done by the forces from various Double-Tonguer polities. The external attacks weren't consequential enough to bring the attention of the Fox Goddess, so local defences needed to be mobilized. During the time he was responsible of commanding forces during the defense. He employed particuraly brutal treatment of the captives during which he impaled most of those captured by him, sparing the one, which would be released to inform the rest. The offers of the ransom were issued either directed to him or to his General. In either cases, they were rejected by him, although the General seem to force him to agree for few ones. Even in those examples, however, the released captived were maimed by having some of their fingers cut off to make sure they won't be in the fighting condition after going free. Barely anyone else in the Southern Army has employed methods that ruthless and cruel. It caused some major controvercies and Morino's General needed to protect him from some of the other Southern Generals and some of their subordinates. Despite the outrage, the one observation, however was rather clear to one of them - the cruel means worked. The raids stopped as raiders became unwiling to risk even getting captured when the news spread. The Southern Shogun took the notice of the young lesser sheriff. Few years later, the General that Morino served under decided to retire from his position, given his age. The Southern Shogun immediately decided to appoint him on that position instead.   As a General, Morino Katashi primarily focused on the issuing order and getting rid of criminal activities in his province.The people quickly discovered that his crual repuation seem to apply only to the bandits and others like that. He managed to achieve what he wanted and he got even more attention from the Southern Shogun, quickly advancing as his potential sucessor. The rest of the generals were either admiring his capabilities or conspire out of jelousy. With his postion as the Shogun's Favourite, Morino Katashi started attend the meetings and feasts of the higher political importance. During one of those, he has met the Western Shogun called Kurotori Sasaki and his daughter of the similar age, Yui. He quickly became friends with both of them. In the case of Yui, the friendship quickly became love. The marriage between the two were established, advantageous for the reasons both political and personal in nature.   Shortly after the wedding of the Morino Katashi, the Southern Shogun died in the tragic accident. As his appointed sucessor, Katashi needed to gather the majority of the support from the rest of the Southern Generals in order to get the position himself. Despite having some rivals, his reputation as the defendder during the enemy raid and thee bringing of the remarkable stability in his own province, as well as his good relationship with the Western Shogun were enough to get the majority he needed. He was elected as the Southern shogun and the Heavenly King, Sakata Fumio approved of that choice, hearing only the positives about this candidate.   The ceremony of receiving the title of the Southern shogun wasn't a pleasant experience for Morino Katashi. Heavenly King managed to made him fall down on his knees before him, in the public. Katashi felt being kept down in that moment. He was glad that he received the title, but this gesture made him think. It was that humiliating experience that made him realize to what degree the Sakata family enforces their authority, blocking advances of anyone else, with the help of the unbeatable goddess. It also after that when people started noticing that , while he attened on the expected cermonies, he seemed to do that only from the obligations. The rumors started spreading about his dislike towards the Fox Goddess. The hearsay can be the source of disinformation, but what would be nothing more than the usual mistake of the mases, was not the mistake at all in this case, but the truth going deeper than most of the ones who spread it would ever realize.   As the Southern Shogun, he quickly replaced the Generals that opposed him in such way that looked justifiable, which helped him consolidating power in the South. He started apply his policies of fighting crime in the whole region and replaced corrupt Governors and encouraged meritocracy among the new ones. he became known in the South as the leader who is "harsh, but just".   At the same time, the Eastern Shogun was hated by th emajority of his people and was barely controlling the situation. It was clear that he will not rul for long. Seeing that, Morino Katashi saw an opportunity to fullfill some of his ambitions. He has issued the proposition aimed towards the Governor of one of the Eastern province borderng the Southern Region. In this proposition, he noted that Eastern Shogun and his military cannor ensure safety, so he could fullfill this role for now. He proposed he would send his people to that province to implement the policies that worked so well in the South. The governor agreed. When those news reached him, Morino Katashi send his, already prepared, armies to occupy that province by surprise.   This event was not insignificant. When seeing that the other Shogun took control over his territory, the Eastern Shogun started mobilization in order to get rid of the invader. The news also dind't miss the capital city of Hisui. Sakata Fumio, issued an order to the Shoguns to capture Morino Katashi and brinng him to the capital in order to give him justice for unlawfully taking control over the territory. Kurotori Sasaki, the Western Shogun, did not react in any noticable way. The Nothern shogun initally started mobilization, but seeing that he will be the only one and knowing about the Eastern Shogun's problems, he very quickly stopped his actions as well.   Meanwhile, The Eastern Shogun already was facing the grave issues. The mobilizaiton also had poor results. The lower the position in the Eastern millitary, the lower the loyalty was. Morino Katashi faced very little military resistance. When he was entering new territories, the Governors were willfully surrendering their administrations for the invading forces. While initially some people were afraid, knowing the Southern Shogun brutal reputation, they were pleasently surprised that the conquest was as smooth as a conquest can be, with preparators of the brutal acts like pillage or enslavement being publically punished. Morino Katashi very quickly entered the lands of the Kouga District - the capital region of the East. After a single battle there, the Eastern Shogun surrendered himself and publically announced that the southern shoguiin will become his "advisor" in terms of ruling. It was rather clear to everyone that it meant the Eastern shogun would solely become the puppet in the hands of the Morino Katashi. It was the 15th Day of the second spring month during the 327th year of the Jade Era.   After seeing no desire to punish the rogue Shogun and lack of action from the Fox Goddess, Heavenly King pulled back his orders. Morino Katashi completly won his war.   Most of the previous Eastern Governors stayed in power, while new Generals were appointed, the choice was made by the Eastern Shogun by law, but in reality by the Morino Katashi. After that he quickly forced the nominal leader to appoint him as his sucessor. Thus, Morino Katashi attempted what wasn't done before - to be the Shogun of the two regions at the same time.



Morality & Philosophy

His worldview was shaped by the stories of his grandfather. Hearing about him suceeding in the miltary as a peasant to receiving own estate, nobility title and a surname, made Katashi having great apprepriation towards human ambition and meritocracy. He eventaull noticed, however, that ambition is limited by the extrnal factor. No matter what someone will acheive, the ruling position will always be reserved for the member of the Sakata family, the one chosen by the Daughter of the Sun. In his mind this is completly unfair.   He completly rejects the idea of gods having direct political power in human society. According to him, gods generally don't fit to be leading humans due to the three facts: 
  1. Their perspecitve is rather different than that of a human, so it's harder for them to relate to them, which makes their political decisions flawed
  2. Their lifespawns are not finite in the human sense of the word, since they seem to be unable to die without the external factors, so once in power, they will rule eternally without the hope of change if the decision will be flawed, with the exception of hoping for the foceful abolishment
  3. Gods power is inherently superior to that of a human, so the forceful abolishment of a divine ruler is seemingly impossible by the humans on their own. To perform it, the one would need the help of the other god, which inherently limits the actions a human could possibly do
Therefore, he came to the conclusion that the ruler of the human society should be the human himself, as those facts don't apply to them. In his mind, the leadership should also not be hiereditary, but sohuld depend on the abilities and personal achievements. The next leader should be either chosen by the previous one, trusting his jugment, or should take the power by himself. If the leader from apoitment turn out to be weak, than it's a challenge of his power. If the one loses his power, that just means he wasn't able enough to retain it. The ruler should be the great, ambitious man who will grant rewards for the other men who proved enough. The weak and content man should be constantly challenged by the ambitious ones untill they would fix their ways, embracing ambitions or sohuld be removed entirely.  Under the tule of the great man the people would prosper since his ambitions and decisions would lead to the country that works better and improves itself.   The rebels of the system should be challenged as well, if the would fail, that means their cause wasn't great enough and they didn't have what it needed to achieve their goals. If they would suceed, they would be right.     The nobility status, in his mind, should not belong to the families by their own, but should be granted to those who would have proved their capabilities.  The war is not the evil thing that needs to be avoided at all cost, but rather, it's the indiccation that the leadder made the mistakes. If the ruler made right decisions, there wouldn't be the war, as wars are made by the issues unresolved. The gods are in his mind useful and powerful people, that are too important of the potential allies to ignore them, however the relationship with them should not rely on them making political decisions or enforcing them. Fortunately for him, many gods already aren't that eager to be heavily involved with human politics. Unfortunately for him, the Fox Goddess is not one of them.

Personality Characteristics


Abolishment of The Jade Pact and The Heavenly King and getting rid of The Fox Goddess influence. Taking control and reshaping The Fox Empire.

Virtues & Personality perks

He's a genuinely friendly person, that shows, compared to the other men of his position, very little distance to the people he's fond of or considers close allies.  While he might be cruel to his enemies, he generally tries to follow idea of justice. Most of the time, people don't need to fear unless they are involved in criminal activity. He deliberately tries to not make them angry. Loyal to his wife, Yui, to the much higher degree than what is the standard in his society.

Vices & Personality flaws

One of his biggest problem is a pride - despite claiming otherwise, he often sees himself above all other people, at times seemingly thinking of himself in the category of a god. Has no qualms about abusive treatment of the other people as long as he can get away with it and doesn't consider them emotionally close. He also seem to be convinced that his worldview is correct for certain, without much questioning.    Morality stops being important for him, if the established goal is brought up. He is not above sacrificing other people to achieve things, if fact he fully embraces idea that sometimes, you have to do unpleasant things in order to complete a task.   Has some tendencies to have quite wide considerations, often depending on the opportunity of his gains, of what is "law-breaking" and what is not.


Morino Katashi

husband (Vital)

Towards Kurotori Yui



Kurotori Yui

wife (Vital)

Towards Morino Katashi



Morino Katashi

friend (Important)

Towards Raiden-Yuki




friend (Important)

Towards Morino Katashi



Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Southern Shogun, The Eastern shogun, The Great Shogun
Kurotori Yui (wife)
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Natively - Kitsune language, with the Central accent
Learned - Land Language of the Double-Tonguers, in limited manner


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